Experimental Design
Aquatic Ecosystems/ Carbon cycle
Energy Flow & Trophic Levels
Human Impact/ Population Dynamics

This is the variable that is manipulated or changed in an experiment.

Independent Variable 


This type of succession occurs in an area where no previous ecosystem existed, such as a new volcanic island

What is Primary Succession


This is the largest type of aquatic ecosystem, covering about 71% of the Earth’s surface.

What is the ocean 


This is the primary source of energy for most ecosystems.

What is the sun


This term describes the warming of Earth’s atmosphere due to the buildup of greenhouse gases

What is global warming


This is the variable that is measured or observed in an experiment

What is the dependent variable


This term describes the first species to colonize barren environments in primary succession and name the 2 species 

What is a Pioneer Species. Moss & Lichens

What are the 2 zones in aquatic ecosystems?

What are the photic and aphotic zone


These organisms make up the first trophic level in a food chain.

What are producers or autotrophs 

This type of population growth occurs when resources are unlimited, resulting in a J-shaped curve.

This type of population growth occurs when resources are limited, resulting in an S-shaped curve.

Exponenntial, Logistic 


Scientist often conduct experiments after they have made an observation. There is only one test variable. If there was more than one test variable it would be a (blank).

What is an investigation

This type of succession occurs in areas where an existing community has been disturbed but soil and some organisms still remain

What is Secondary succession

(Blank) is the amount of salt dissolved in a liquid



This term describes organisms that consume producers

What are herbivores or primary consumers 


These factors, such as food availability and predation, affect population size and are dependent on population density.

What are density-depdendent factors?


This group is treated with the test/ independent variable.

This group is NOT exposed to the test/ independent variable.

What is the experimental group and the control group 


This term refers to the final, stable community in ecological succession that remains relatively unchanged until disrupted by an event.

What is a climax community 


What cycle traces the movement of organic and inorganic chemicals through Earth's systems

What are biogeochemical cycles 


This rule states that only about 10% of the energy at one trophic level is transferred to the next trophic level.

What is the 10% rule


This term describes the maximum population size that an environment can sustain indefinitely

What is carrying capacity


A researcher is studying the effect of different concentrations of salt on the germination rate of seeds. They prepare four groups of seeds: Group 1 with 0% salt, Group 2 with 1% salt, Group 3 with 2% salt, and Group 4 with 3% salt. All seeds are planted in identical soil and given the same amount of water. Identify the independent variable, dependent variable, and control variables in this experiment

What is the independent variable (concentration of salt), the dependent variable (germination rate of seeds), and the control variables (type of soil, amount of water)?


This process describes the gradual replacement of one plant community by another through natural processes over time.

What is ecological succession


The continuous movement of carbon through Earth's systems 

What is the carbon cycle 


These organisms break down dead material and recycle nutrients back into the ecosystem

What are decomposers 


List 3 examples of Limiting factors 

Competitors, Disease and Parasites, Weather, Fires, Available Habitat, Predators