Native Americans and Encounters
Important People
Trade and Economy

This is the name that Columbus and his colleagues called the Natives when they landed in the Caribbean, but thought they landed elsewhere.

  • What are Indians (American Indians, Indios)?


These people came to the New World to “purify” the practices of the Church of England. They sought religious freedom

Who are the puritans?


This colonial region was unfavorable for farming due to colder weather and rocky soil. Instead the people turned to the sea for shipbuilding, fishing and trade.

What are the New England Colonies?


This trade network is named after Christopher ___________. It has food, animals, people and diseases going back and forth from east to west and west to east.

What is the Columbian exchange?


The pilgrims wrote and signed this document to establish self governance in the New World when they realized they would not be landing in Virginia but instead in the uninhabited Plymouth, Massachusetts.

What is the Mayflower Compact?


This was a killer of many Native Americans who had limited immunity when meeting the Europeans.

What is disease (small pox)?


This woman was a preacher who dissented from the religious ideals of the Puritans in her colony. She was put on trial as a heretic and banished!

Who is Anne Hutchinson?


This colonial region had a relatively warm climate and decent soil for growing (though not the best). The people there grew varied crops like grains and wheat.

What are the Middle Colonies?


This is the reason why indentured servitude no longer served land owners

What is slavery?


The terms Old World and New World refer to these respectively.

What are Europe and the Americas?


In class we read about a specific tribe Columbus encountered and exchanged items that appeared to be religious.

Who is the Tainos?


This man is responsible for the decimation of Native culture, but he is still celebrated every October. His discovery led to the colonization of the Americas and an extensive trade system.

What is Christopher Columbus?


This colonial region had the BEST soil for growing crops and the best climate for growing for longer periods of the year. Cash crops were produced on Plantations such as cotton and tobacco.

What are the Southern Colonies?


This is one item that was created in the New England colonies.

What is ship building, iron making, and / or crafts?


These three motivations explained why EXPLORERS came to the New World.

What is God, Gold, Glory?


There were specific items that Columbus gave to the Taino people, one item was…

What are rosary beads?


These people were offered free passage from Europe to the Americas in exchange for 4-7 years of unpaid labor.

What are indentured servants?


Opportunities for fishing, trade, and fast transportation are all reasons as to why the colonists settled close to these…

What are bodies of water (coasts)?


This is two items that were created and traded in the Southern colonies.

What is wheat, tobacco, rice and / or indigo?


Two reasons that Europeans left the Old World to settle in the New World after the colonies were starting to be established.

What is religious freedom, economic opportunities, gaining land?


This system of trade was one of the results of Columbus’ encounter with the Natives

What is the Columbian Exchange?


These people were the cheapest labor force and had to work for land owners.

Who are slaves?


Columbus landed HERE when he thought he actually landed in India. (specific island or modern country)

What is Hispaniola (Haiti / Dominican Republic)?


This was the first and most important cash crop. It saved the Jamestown colony when they failed to find gold to finance themselves

What is tobacco?


The first successful colony was established in 1607 after the failed colony at Roanoke. 

What is Jamestown?