What is Earth Science?/ How do humans impact the environment?
Observations and Inferences/ Measurements and Metric Conversions
Percent Error
Rate of Change
What are the four sciences studied in Earth Science?
What is Geology, Oceanography, Meteorology, and Astronomy.
Organizing information in a meaningful way is an example of which of these: 1. prediction 2. measurement 3. observation 4. classification
What is classification.
What is the density of a rock which has a mass of 35 grams and a volume of 7.0 cubic centimeters? 1. 5.0 g/cm3 2. 0.20 g/cm3 3. 28 g/cm3 4. 42 g/cm3
What is Density = mass/volume = 35 g/7.0 cm3 = 5 g/cm3
Provide the percent error/deviation formula and it's "units".
What is percent error or deviation = (|estimated value - actual value| / actual value) X 100
What is the formula to calculate for the rate of change?
What is change in field value/ change in time.
Which is the least probable source of atmospheric pollution in heavily populated cities? 1. human activities 2. industrial plants 3. natural processes 4. automobile traffic
What is natural processes. The forces of nature tend to maintain a clean and stable atmosphere. Precipitation cleans dust particles from the atmosphere. Plants use up excess carbon dioxide and return oxygen to the atmosphere.
A prediction of next winter's weather is an example of 1. an observation 2. an inference 3. a measurement 4. a classification
What is an inference.
An object has a density of 1.2g/cm3 and a mass of 5g. What is it's volume? Provide the formula for which you used to solve your answer.
What is volume = mass/density. v=5g/(1.2g/cm3)= 4.167cm3
What is meant by source of error? Give one example of a source of error.
What is any person, action, or condition that gets incorporated in an experiment and affects it's results. Examples: instrument imprecision, usage imprecision (not zeroing scales etc), unaccounted for outside influences (things like temperature changes), calculation errors, logic errors.
Which condition exists when the rates of water flowing into and out of a lake are balanced so that the lake's depth appears to be constant? 1. dynamic equilibrium 2. transpiration 3. equilibrium 4. saturation
What is dynamic equilibrium.
Changes in the environment can be best predicted from data that are 1. highly variable and collected over short periods of time 2. highly variable and collected over long periods of time 3. cyclic and collected over short periods of time 4. cyclic and collected over long periods of time
What is cyclic and collected over long periods of time.
What are the three basic measurements we will focus in Earth Science and what are the units for each measurement?
What is mass (grams), length (meters), volume (liters, milliliters, cubic centimeters).
A student placed a 20-cm plastic foam ball and a 5-cm piece of sandstone in a container of water. The sandstone sank and the ball floated. Propose a reason why the larger object floated and the smaller object sank.
What is density. The larger object is less dense than water so it sank. Even though the plastic foam ball has a greater volume, it does not have a great mass. The sandstone has a lot more mass, thus greater density and why it sank.
A student calculated the density of a substance. His teacher told him that his percent deviation is 4.35%. What does this percent error tell you about the actual value?
What is "the percent error tells you that the student's density value is 4.35% away from the actual value". Remember, you can used percent deviation for any measurement/calculation - density, mass, volume, length, rate of change etc.
Which event would be the most predictable one year in advance of the event? 1. a hurricane in Florida 2. an earthquake in California 3. a volcanic eruption in Japan 4. an eclipse of the Sun
What is an eclipse of the Sun.
An interface can be best described as 1. a zone of contact between different substances across which energy is exchanged. 2. a region in the environment with unchanging properties 3. a process that results in changes in the environment 4. a region beneath the surface of Earth where change is not occurring
What is a zone of contact between different substances across which energy is exchanged.
Finish this mnemonic device for the prefixes of the metric system: King Henry______________ And what prefix does each word correspond to?
What is Doesn't Usually Drink College Milk. Kilo, Hecto, deca/deka, Unit (base), deci, centi, milli.
Under the same conditions of temperature and pressure, three different samples of the same uniform substance will have the same 1. shape 2. density 3. mass 4. volume
What is density.
A student calculated the volume of a box to be 140cm3. The box has dimensions 10cm, 3cm, 5cm. What is the student's error?
What is 6.66%. |140-150|/150 x 100
The Earth process whose rate of change is easiest to measure is the 1. erosion of a mountain 2. discharge of a stream 3. formation of a rock 4. development of mature soil
What is discharge of a stream. The other possible answers take years to for the change to occur thus making an observation of the rate of it's change difficult. The discharge of a stream is the water that passes through a set location on the stream in a given amount of time - measured in cubic meters per second.
You have been given a copy of the Earth Science Regents Reference Table which you will use on all tests and quizzes henceforth. What formulas on the table have you seen before?
What are the density and rate of change formulas.
Kenneth drinks 275 milliliters of juice from a 1 liter container. How much juice is left?
What is 0.725 liters or 725 milliliters of juice. Convert to same units FIRST!
As water cools from 4°C to O°C, its density 1. decreases 2. increases 3. remains the same
What is decreases. As a liquid, water has some unusual properties. As it cools from 100°C to 4°C its density increases as happens with other liquids. Between 4°C and O°C it actually expands. This means that the density decreases. For this reason, the maximum density of water occurs at 4°C, not O°C.
Walter gets a paper back in lab with "-2.75% error" written on it. He had found the mass of the object to be 100.7 grams. Can percent error be negative? What does this negative percent error mean?
What is " percent error can not be negative because of the absolute value in the formula. The negative percent error the teacher placed on Walter's paper tells you that the mass of the object as Walter calculated it is 2.75% below the actual value.
Which graph represents the greatest rate of temperature change and why?
What is graph (2), it is the steepest. Between the hours of 0 and 1, the temperature changed about 4 degrees Celsius/hour, more than that seen in any other graph.