Geography of the 13 Colonies
Mercantilism and Trade
French and Indian War
Colonial America
Foundations of U.S Government

The presence of rocky soil and a short growing season discouraged the development of this type of economy in New England.

What is a plantation economy? (Southern Region)


Under mercantilism, the American colonies primarily served as this for Great Britain.

What is a market for British manufactured goods and a source of raw materials?


This proclamation issued by the British government in 1763 aimed to limit conflict between Native Americans and colonial settlers.

What is the Proclamation of 1763?


This document, signed aboard a ship in 1620, helped establish self-government in Plymouth Colony.

What is the Mayflower Compact?


This rebellion by farmers in Massachusetts highlighted the weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation.

What is Shays' Rebellion?


Slavery in the American colonies was most concentrated in these regions because of their

Climate and geography allowed for longer growing season and humid weather all year around. 

This economic policy aimed to make Britain wealthy through control of colonial trade.

What is mercantilism?


This was the primary cause of the French and Indian War.

What are disputed land claims in the Ohio River valley between the French and British?


This legislative body was the first representative assembly in the American colonies.

What is the Virginia House of Burgesses?


This document, created in 1787, aimed to correct the problems of the Articles of Confederation.

What is the U.S. Constitution?


In New England, these geographic features most influenced its colonial economy.

What are good harbors, abundant forests, rocky soil, and a short growing season?


Britain used this policy to prevent the American colonies from trading with other nations.

What are the Navigation Acts?


The French and Indian War ended with this treaty in 1763 signed in this location. 

What is the Treaty of Paris? 


Town meetings in this region of the colonies were an early form of direct democratic rule.

  •  What is New England?


This agreement established the framework for self-government in Plymouth Colony.

What is Shays' Rebellion?


The settlement of the Middle Colonies was influenced by these natural resources.

What are fertile soils and navigable rivers?


During the 1700s, the British government used mercantilism to achieve this goal.

What is profit from its colonies?


The outcome of the French and Indian War led to these taxes imposed on the American colonies by Britain.

What are new taxes to pay for British war debts?


These two documents contributed to the growth of representative democracy in the colonies.

What are the Mayflower Compact and the Virginia House of Burgesses?


This pamphlet by Thomas Paine convinced American colonists to declare independence from Britain.

What is "Common Sense" by Thomas Paine


This geographic factor most directly influenced the development of early colonial settlements.

What are rivers along the Atlantic coast?


These events involving the Stamp Act and Boston Tea Party led to this major conflict.

What is the Revolutionary War?


The Proclamation of 1763 was issued by Great Britain after the French and Indian War primarily to

Taxes on the Colonist


This geographic factor most directly influenced the location of the first English settlements in North America.

What are rivers along the Atlantic coast?


Which later document aimed to correct many of the problems caused by the Articles of Confederation? 

What is the United States Constitution?