Indigenous and Non-Indigenous understandings
Factors affecting access
Media portrayals and motivation
Risk and basic first aid

How does the Indigenous definition of "Country" differ from the European Australian perspective?

Indigenous people view Country as a spiritual and cultural concept which they have deep connections with, while Europeans see it as a geographical location and something to be owned. This land is me vs this land is mine. 


What does SES stand for?

Socioeconomic status


What are the 4 types of motivation?

Competence mastery, socialisation, cognitive reward, stimulus avoidance


Which of the following is NOT a potential loss associated with risk?

a) Physical injury

b) Psychological embarrassment

c) Financial gain

d) Damage to equipment

c) Financial gain


Identify 3 ways technology has influenced our experiences with outdoor activities.

Improved accessibility, deskilling, improved safety


How might Indigenous Australians know a place through a custodianship perspective?

Custodianship = a sense of spiritual connection and protection/ management of outdoor environments. We will see people using sustainable practices. 


What are the 5 factors that can affect access?

SES, age, physical ability, gender, cultural background


What was Tommy's main motivation when climbing the Dawn Wall?

Competency mastery: An extremely challenging climb that would allow him the opportunity to test his skills. 

Stimulus avoidance: removing himself from the stresses of everyday life and his divorce.

Cognitive reward: the challenge

Socialisation: climbing with Kevin


Identify 5 factors that should be considered when identifying risks in outdoor environments

Examples include: Skill level, age, leader's experience, required equipment, access, safety standards, weather, prior knowledge, and communication


What is the term used to describe the phenomenon of technology making activities too easy?



How might someone know an environment from an economic perspective?

Assessing the economic value and resources offered by an outdoor environment


Why might outdoor education participants experience culture shock during outdoor activities?

Examples of answers include: 

They may encounter different cultural practices and beliefs.

They may struggle to adapt to unfamiliar environments.

 They may face language barriers.


What is flow state? Using an example of a recreational activity, describe how someone may achieve it.

Peak concentration and engagement in a particular activity. Occurs with there is high skill and challenge level. 


What is perceived risk? Provide an example of a perceived risk from an outdoor recreation activity. 

A subjective risk assessment. Examples: fear of heights rock climbing, fear of getting attacked by a shark while snorkelling


Which of the following best defines technology?

a) The use of digital devices

b) The application of scientific knowledge for practical purposes

c) The study of outdoor environments

d) The development of new recreational activities

 b) The application of scientific knowledge for practical purposes


How does experiential knowledge contribute to our understanding of outdoor environments?

By actively engaging with the environment and gaining hands-on experience.


What are the 3 components of SES? Explain how each component may limit someones ability to access bushwalking. 

Education, occupation, income


Identify and describe 4 motives a media depiction of an outdoor environment may have. 

To scare

To sell a place or experience

To challenge

To inform

To celebrate nature and the outdoors

To understand and develop our knowledge


9. What is risk management?

a) The process of eliminating all risks in outdoor activities

b) The process of accepting all risks in outdoor activities

c) The process of mitigating, minimising, and managing risks

d) The process of evaluating the consequences of risks

c) The process of mitigating, minimising, and managing risks


Identify and describe a piece of technology that has made mountain bike riding more accessible. 


Helmet: Safer

E-bikes: easier to ride up hills

Bikes with suspension: more comfortable ride. Able to ride more challenging terrain. 


What are the 5 types of perspectives that Indigenous and non-Indigenous Australians may know an outdoor environment? Identify which perspectives are the best fit for Indigenous and non-Indigenous Australians. 

Recreation (non-Indigenous)

Resource (Both)

Custodianship (Indigenous)

Spiritual connection (Indigenous)

A study site (Non-Indigenous)


Identify 3 ways low socioeconomic status (SES) impacts someone's ability to participate in outdoor adventure activities.

Examples of answers: 

They may not have access to proper equipment and lessons.

They may have limited free time due to work commitments.

They may not be able to afford the cost of participation.


What are the 5 types of media portrayals? Describe 1. 

An adversary

A gymnasium

A resource

A museum

A cathedral


Using DRSABCD, how would you treat a snake bite. 

Dangers: ensure the snake is still not in the area. Make loud noises. 

Response: COWS/ talk to the patient if conscious

Send for help: call 000

Airways: check airwars if unconscious. If talking make sure airways are feeling normal. 

Breathing: 10 sec look listen feel check if unconscious. If talking, ask fir any changes. 

Compressions: 30 comp: 2 breaths if not breathing. Not needed if conscious. 

Defib: attach as soon as possible if not breathing.

Firstaid: using compression bandage, wrap the patients entire limb. Immoblise limb with another limb or something rigid. 


Explain how matches have led to deskilling. 

Matches have eliminated the need to learn how to light fires. As such, many people no longer have these skills. This can lead to issues if matches are unavailable or get wet.