The Necklace
The Cask of Amontillado
American History
Terms 1
Terms 2

Q: Why is Mathilde unhappy with her life at the beginning of the story?

A: She feels she was born for a life of luxury but is stuck in a modest lifestyle.


Q: Why does Montresor seek revenge on Fortunato?

A: He feels that Fortunato has insulted him.


Q: Who is Elena, and where does she live?

A: Elena is a Puerto Rican girl living in a tenement building in Paterson, New Jersey.


What is plot/plot structure

the arrangement of the action


What are the 5 ways of characterization? 

Actions, Speech, Thoughts, Appearance, Others’ Reactions


Q: What does Mathilde borrow from Madame Forestier for the ball?

A: She borrows a diamond necklace.


Q: How does Montresor lure Fortunato into the catacombs?

A: He appeals to Fortunato’s pride in his wine expertise by claiming to have Amontillado.


Q: What historical event takes place during the story?

A: The assassination of President John F. Kennedy.


What are the Types of characterization?

Static, Dynamic, Round, Flat


What is foreshadowing

a warning or indication of a future event


Q: How do Mathilde and her husband pay off the debt for the necklace?

A: They work for ten years, taking on extra jobs and living in poverty to pay it back.


Q: What does Montresor do to Fortunato in the catacombs?

A: He chains him to the wall and seals him behind a brick wall, leaving him to die.


Q: How does Elena feel about her new neighbor, Eugene?

A: She is excited and hopeful, as she feels they have a connection.


What is a static character?

character that stays the same


What are three kinds of irony?

Verbal, Situational, dramatic 


Q: What is the twist at the end of the story?

A: The necklace was a fake and worth much less than they thought.


Q: How does Poe use irony in “The Cask of Amontillado”?

A: Fortunato’s name means “fortunate,” yet he meets an unfortunate end, and Montresor pretends to be concerned for his health while plotting his death.


Q: How does Eugene’s mother treat Elena when she visits their house?

A: She dismisses Elena and implies she’s not good enough for Eugene because of her race and social status.


What is a dynamic character?

a character that changes throughout the story


What are the types of POV?

1st person

2nd person

3rd person limited

3 person omniscient  


Q: What is the main theme of “The Necklace”?

A: The theme is about the dangers of vanity and materialism, as Mathilde’s desire for luxury leads to her downfall.


Q: What theme is explored through Montresor’s desire for revenge?

A: The theme explores the destructive nature of revenge and the lengths people will go to settle perceived wrongs.


Q: What theme does the story explore through Elena’s experiences?

A: The theme explores the impact of prejudice and discrimination, as well as the intersection of personal and national tragedies.


What are the types of conflict(4 types)

Person vs Person

Person vs Society

Person vs nature

Person vs self


What is Theme?

the underlying meaning of a story.