Classical Era
Scientific Revolution
Doesn't fit, but also important.

Type of democracy found in Athens, Greece.

What is direct democracy?


This impressive invention help to increase literacy of the middle class in Europe.

What is the printing press?


This theory of the universe was the belief promoted by the Catholic Church and based on the teachings of Ptolemy.

What is geocentric theory?


What are the three natural rights according to John Locke?

Life, Liberty, and Property

This document is the Supreme Law of the land in the United States and outlines the principles by which the US is governed.

What is the U.S. Constitution?


Which NFL team is Mr. Lin a part owner.

What is the Green Bay Packers?

This was introduced into laws by Abrahamic Religions. (HINT: Think Ten Commandments)

What is morality (ethics)?


In the divine right of kings, monarch's right to rule comes from this?

Who is God?


This scientist was the first to propose a heliocentric model of the universe.

Who is Copernicus?


This Enlightenment thinker argued that people needed an absolute ruler to protect them from their own cruel, selfish, greedy selves.

Who is Thomas Hobbes?


This written code included the idea of "An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth" and served as one of the earliest legal codes in history.

What is the Code of Hammurabi?


This is the subject that Mrs. Gorzicki taught before becoming Principal of WHS.

What is Math?


These laws were publicly displayed in Rome.

What are the Twelve Tables?


This term refers to "rebirth" of the classical ideas of Greece and Rome in Europe, starting in Florence, Italy.

What is Renaissance?


This is the first step of the scientific method.

What is make an observation/state question?

This was the agreement between government and the people that stated that some freedoms were given up in return for safety and security.

What is the social contract?


This female Enlightenment thinker promoted the idea of equality for women.

Who is Mary Wollstonecraft?


The song "Bye, Bye, Bye", which first released in 2000, saw a rise into the top 10 of the Billboard 100 in the summer of 2024. Who is the artist?

What is NSYNC?


This type of government from Ancient Rome inspired the United States form of democracy. 

What is republic (representative democracy)?


This is the name the political, economic, and social system that led to a social hierarchy in Medieval Europe.

What is feudalism?


This scientist was responsible for taking calculations that demonstrated that orbits were elliptical (oval) not circular.

Who is Kepler?


Baron de Montesquieu contributed this idea to the United States, stating that power should be shared by three branches of government.

What is separation of powers?


This is the name of the social gatherings held at mansions of wealthy citizens to discuss ideas of the Enlightenment.

What are salons?


The current president of the United States, Joe Biden, previously served as a U.S. Senator for this east coast state.

What is Delaware?


This is a form of government where power is held by a small group of people. These individuals may be distinguished by their influence, military control, or ability.

What is an oligarchy?


Martin Luther's nailing of the 95 Theses to the door of the Wittenburg Church led to this event.

What is the (Protestant) Reformation?


He was known for explaining the laws of motion and gravity.

Who is Isaac Newton?


This is the term used to describe Rousseau's belief in rule by the majority for the common good of society.

What is the general will?


This is the term that describes the idea of government is given permission or allowed to make laws by the people who follow the laws.

What is consent of the governed?


This is the year that Woodbridge High School opened.

What is 1980?