Causes of American Revolution
End of American Revolution
Enlightenment & Declaration of Independence
Articles of Confederation vs. US Constitution
The Bill of Rights

Why was the French and Indian war a cause of the American Revolution?

Because it left Great Britain with a large debt to be paid off. 


What was Lord Dunmore's Proclamation? 

offered freedom to slaves who would leave patriotic owners and join the British army


What was the purpose of Declaration of Independence?

To declare the Thirteen Colonies to be independent of the British Empire.


What were the Articles of Confederation

First form of government for the U.S. after winning independence 


True or False: Anti-Federalist supported a strong central government and saw no need for a bill of rights

FALSE (this belief was held by Federalists)


What was the Stamp Act 1765

The act said that people in the American colonies had to use a stamp on newspapers and legal documents. The colonists had to buy the stamp from the British government. The colonists protested the tax.

At first was the continental army willing to have black soldiers fight for it? Why or why not?

No because concerned about the possibility for slave uprisings and unrest in the colonies.


What was John Locke most famous for? Describe the idea 

Natural rights - rights "life, liberty, and property" that all people have and they cannot be taken away by any government. 


True or false: the government had the MOST power under the Articles of Confederation. 

FALSE! The States


What is the purpose of the bill of rights?

guarantees civil rights and liberties to the individual


What was the Boston Tea Party?

A political act of defiance against taxation without representation.


What was the real reason for Lord Dunmore's proclamation? 

 increase tensions within the American colonies


What was Montesquieu most known for?

Separation of powers 


List at least 3 weakness of the Articles of Confederation 

Congress could not

1. collect taxes
2. Enforce laws
3. Make treaties with other nations

Each state had own currency. No central leadership, Changes to the Articles required unanimous, No national court system (judicial branch) 


Name this Amendment: Law enforcement officers suspect that a person is involved in illegal activities and want to search their home. However, they need to obtain permission from a judge before conducting the search. 



What were the Coercive Acts (Intolerable Acts)

a series of four laws passed by the British Parliament to punish the colony of Massachusetts Bay for the Boston Tea Party


What is the name of the document that ended the American Revolution?

The Treaty of Paris


What was Rousseau, most known for? describe the idea. 

Social Contract - when a group of people agree to give up certain rights and accept a central authority in order to protect their other rights. 


What type of government did the U.S. Constituted set up and how many branches are there?

Federalism (federal democratic republic )/three branches


Name this Amendment: During a peaceful protest in a public park, individuals express their disagreement with a new law recently passed by the government. 



What was significant about the Battle of Lexington?

Marked the start of the American War of Independence


What are the three important impacts of the end of the American Revolution 

1. Britain officially recognized the United States as an independent country, separate from the British Empire

2. Britain agreed to remove all its troops from American soil

3. Boundaries were set for the new United States, giving it lands stretching from the Atlantic Ocean to the Mississippi River


Which enlightenment ideal is shown in the quote "That to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, that whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new government, laying its foundation on ... "

Consent of the governed. 


What is the Great Compromise and the 3/5th compromise

Great compromise: established the United States legislature as a bicameral, or two-house law-making body. In the Senate, each state would be allowed two representatives; in the House of Representatives, the number of representatives allowed for each state would be determined by its population. 

3/5th Compromise: ounted three-fifths of each state's slave population toward that state's total population for the purpose of apportioning the House of Representatives, 


Name that Amendment: A person is arrested by the police and accused of stealing a valuable item from a local store. During the trial, the defendant (person accused of a crime) chooses not to answer questions that might make them look guilty.
