European Colonization
Southern Colonies
New England Colonies
Middle Colonies
Native farming technique planting beans, squash, and maize (corn) close together.
What is Three-Sisters Farming?
Spanish system where natives were given to colonists in return for the promise to Christianize the natives.
What is the encomienda system?
First law granting religious freedom to all Christians but death to those who denied Jesus.
What is the Maryland Act of Toleration.
Dissenter who was expelled from the Massachusetts Bay Colony due to her belief in antinomianism that faith alone, not only deeds would guarantee salvation.
Who is Anne Hutchinson?
Known as the "Holy Experiment" this colony provided a religious refuge for Quakers and other persecuted groups.
What is Pennsylvania or William Penn's Colony?
Sailing vessel developed by the Portuguese capable of traveling long distances and used to settle the Americas.
What is a Caravel?
The primary source of profit for French colonies in the Americas.
What is the fur trade?
Started by farmers in Western lands in response to the Virginia governments reluctance to address violent raids by natives. These protests turned violent leading to the burning of Jamestown and defeat of Governor Berkeley's forces. Eventually Berkeley defeated this insurrection.
What is Bacon's Rebellion?
Founder of the Rhode Island Colony who was also banished from the Massachusetts Bay Colony. Granted complete religious toleration to all inhabitants of Rhode Island.
Who is Roger Williams?
Nation from which the English captured the New York colony.
What is Amsterdam or the Dutch?
The transfer of animals, plants, culture, human populations (including slaves), diseases, and ideas between America's and Europe as well as Africa. Led to the transfer of maize to Europe and diseases such as small pox to the Americas.
What is the Columbian Exchange.
Revolt by Europeans against the authority of the Pope leading to religious motivation for exploration and colonization.
What is the Protestant Reformation?
These young people agreed to work for a period of four to seven years in return for transportation to the colonies, room, and board. They were under the absolute rule of their "masters" who set them free after their work period was over.
What is an indentured servant?
The first written form of constitution in American history establishing a representative government with a legislature and governor.
What is the Fundamental Orders of Connecticut?
System in which rum would be traded to African merchants in exchange for slaves, in turn sent to the West Indies for sugar cane, and finally the slaves were brought to the American colonies.
What is Triangular Trade?
Agreement signed between Portugal and Spain deciding to divide all territories outside of Europe between the two nations.
What is the Treaty of Tordesillas?
Jamestown became this type of colony under direct control of the King despite profitable tobacco sales.
What is a Royal Colony?
System that offered immigrants 50 acres of land to those who could pay for their own passage or their transportation was paid for by a plantation owner. Helped to increase the population of the colonies.
What is the Headright System?
Agreement to limit the religious requirements of the Puritan Church allowing members to maintain their membership but only participate in some of the church activities.
What is the Half Way Covenant?
Trade route where slaves were brought from West Africa to the West Indies.
What is the Middle Passage?
Developed to gather savings from middle class Europeans to finance the colonies in the Americas.
What is a Joint Stock Company?
An early form of self-government and written constitution creating the powers and duties of the government of the Plymouth Colony.
What is the Mayflower Compact.
First form of representative government in the American colonies consisting of a bicameral legislature. Started in the Virginia colony.
What is the House of Burgesses?
Ended by the Glorious Revolution in England, this was King James II attempt to increase royal control over the New England colonies. It appointed Sir Edmund Andros as royal governor leading to the restriction of individual liberties and "town hall" meetings.
What is the Dominion of New England?
Term for the period in which England's government left the colonies to develop independently without oversight.
What is Salutary Neglect?