Types of Sentences
Compound & Complex Sentences
Fragments & Run-Ons
What are the four types of sentences?
What is imperative, declarative, interrogative, and exclamatory
Please give the simple subject for the following sentence. The dentist pulled out the tooth.
What is dentist
What is a predicate?
What is a fancy word for a verb in a sentence that tells what the subject is doing.
Which sentence best completes the compound sentence? Ginger went to bed early, but _____________ 1) she could not sleep 2) the snow fell all morning
What is 1) she could not sleep
What is a fragment?
What is part of a sentence that is either missing the subject or the verb
Name this type of sentence: The moon is Earth's nearest neighbor.
What is declarative
Please give the complete subject for the following sentence: The pig with a big snout slobbered on a kid.
What is the pig with a big snout.
What is the complete predicate for the following sentence? Two large alligators slid into the water.
What is slid into the water.
What is the subordinating conjunction in the following sentence? Aunt Ira knits while the rest of us watch TV.
What is while
Correct the following run-on sentence: I answered the phone somebody laughed and hung up.
What is I answered the phone, but somebody laughed and hung up. OR I answered the phone. Somebody laughed and hung up.
Name this type of sentence: Show me your photos of the moon.
What is imperative
What is the definition of a subject?
What is tells whom or what the sentence is about
What is the simple predicate for the following sentence? These sweet peppers grew in my garden.
What is grew
What is a compound sentence? What are two things it must include?
What is combines two simple sentences that have related ideas. It must have a comma and a conjunction to join the two ideas.
Is this a fragment or a sentence? The pickles on this sandwich.
What is fragment
Which punctuation mark is missing in the following sentence: Does that surprise you
What is a question mark
What is the subject in the following sentence: Please come with us.
What is an understood you
What are the compound predicates in the following sentence? The flames blazed and crackled in the fireplace.
What is blazed, crackled
Which part of this sentence is the dependent clause? Although dad likes dogs, we can't have one in our apartment.
What is Although dad likes dogs
Fix this fragment: The beautiful rose garden
What is surrounded the school.
Which punctuation mark should be on the end of the following sentence? Wow, that really surprises me
What is an exclamation point
How could you combine the following two sentences to make one sentence with a compound subject: An apple satisfies my hunger between meals. A banana satisfies my hunger between meals.
What is An apple or a banana satisfies my hunger between meals.
Combine the following two sentences to make a sentence with a compound predicate. These sandwiches look great! These sandwiches taste great!
What is These sandwiches look and taste great!
What is a complex sentence?
What is a sentence made up of two related ideas joined by a subordinating conjunction.
Fix the following comma splice: The sailors knew about the storm, they sailed out to sea anyway.
What is the sailors knew about the storm, but they sailed out to sea anyway.