The Systems of the Human Body
Categorize that Food!
Parts of the Digestive System
Food Safety
How many systems are involved in the nutrition function and what are they?
The digestive system, the respiratory system, the circulatory system, and the excretory system.
What are the food groups that food is classified into according to its nutrients?
Energy-giving foods, body-building foods, protective and regulatory foods.
What is the digestive system made up of (generally speaking, not specific organs)
The digestive tract and its accessory organs.
Where is waste in the body eliminated from?
The anus.
When does food poisoning happen?
Food poisoning happens when we eat food that is in bad condition or that is contaminated.
What is the function of the excretory system?
To eliminate waste from our body.
What is an example of a protective and regulatory food?
Fruits and Vegetables
What organs are the "accessory organs"?
Salivary glands, the liver, and the pancreas.
Where is bile produced and where is it released?
It is produced in the liver and released into the small intestine.
Should we always wash our fruit and vegetables before eating them? Why or why not?
Yes! This removes microorganisms that could make us sick.
What is the function of the digestive system?
To obtain the nutrients that we need from food.
What is an example of an energy-giving food?
Carbohydrates or fats.
What are the organs that make up the digestive tract?
The mouth, pharynx, esophagus, stomach, small intestine, large intestine, and anus.
What is bolus and where is it produced?
When the teeth cut and grind the food, mixed with the saliva, bolus (a ball-like structure) is created, which is ready to be swallowed.
How can we know if our food isn't in good condition?
The presence of microorganisms or parasites - checking to see if the food has mold on it.
What is the function of the respiratory system?
To absorb oxygen and eliminate carbon dioxide from the body.
What is an example of a body-building food?
Proteins (mainly meats and dairy products).
What do salivary glands produce and where is that substance released?
Salivary glands produce saliva, which is released into the mouth.
What is chyme and where is it produced?
Chyme is the partially digested food, a mushy substance, that is produced from the bolus in the stomach.
What are the methods or preserving food?
Freezing food, salting food, and vacuum sealing food.
What is the function of the circulatory system?
Uses the blood to transport substances, such as nutrients and waste products, around our body.
To have a healthy diet, which type of food should you eat the most of?
Protective and Regulatory foods.
Why are the accessory organs important to the digestive system?
They produce substances which support digestion.
What is Chyle and where is it produced?
Chyle is the milky fluid produced from the chyme in the small intestine.
How can we avoid food poisoning?
Check the expiration date, wash our hands and food before eating it (like fruits and vegetables), cook food that could contain microorganisms or parasites, check that food is in good condition, store food in the fridge, and eat frozen food when it has defrosted.