Before the Curtain
Stage Directions
For the Plot
Parts of a stage

the highest authority in a play. Hires director, is in charge of finances, and is sometimes involved in creative decisions

What is a producer?


The directionality of the stage is determined by the _________'s perspective

Who is the actor?


The occurrence that starts the action/story

What is the conflict?


The downmost part of a proscenium stage. Or what your grandma wears to cook

What is an apron?


The productions overall emotional quality, portrayed mostly through color choices

What is mood?


Similar to a producer these people put money into a production. But they're more hands off

What are investors?


The area in the middle of the stage 

What is center stage?


The events leading up to the high point in the story. I.E. the quest, mission, training, etc.

What is the Rising Action?


The area at the very back of the stage, usually behind the scrim or backdrop curtains. Where actors can go from one side of the stage to the other without being seen

What is the crossover?


Stage hands that specifically move scenery or actors into or out of the fly space

What are grips?


This person works with the director, but is in charge of the backstage and technical elements

What is a technical director?


the areas off to the side of the stage

What are the wings?


The critical point in the story where everything comes to a head.

What is the climax?


In a traditional stage, the part that serves as a frame for the production.

What is a proscenium arch?


A 3D rendering that set designers use to show their vision to the rest of the creative team

What is a model/scale model?


This person works with the rest of the team to create the mood and add context through their own specific field.

What is a designer?


The space to the actor's left at the back of the stage

What is upstage left?


The part of the story that wraps everything up

What is the resolution?


Narrow curtains that go back along the sides of the stage to serve as framing for the action and also hide the offstage areas from audience members

What are the legs?


A 3D rendering done by a set designer that has no color and is mostly for dimensions and textural details?

What is a White Model?


Serves as a go between for the actors and directors, does what is necessary for production to run smoothly for everyone, especially the director.

Who is the assistant director?


The space to the audience's left closest to them

What is downstage right?


Takes place after the climax, a winding down of the story.

What is falling action?

Typically found in larger theaters, this area is used to hold set pieces and scenery above the stage

What is fly space?


A person who's domain is the lobby. Usually includes, ushers, ticket sales, merchandising, and lobby cleanliness/maintenance

Who is the House Manager?