Intro to OB
Recruitment & Selection
Job Attitudes, Emotion, Mood, & Behavior

Teamwork falls at the ___ level of OB research



The acronym KSAO stands for what?

Knowledge, skills, abilities, and other


Emotions are ___ while moods are ___.



True/False: The MBTI has strong scientific evidence of being an accurate personality test.



True/False: A local brewery hosts a weekly event where anyone over the age of 21 can come and play boardgames with new people. They meet at the same day/time every week, and sometimes there are regular attendees, but it is mostly new attendees. This weekly gathering would be considered an organization.


“A series of interlocking routines, habituated action patterns that bring the same people together around the same activities in the same time and places” (cited in Weick, 1993: 632)


Name one "do" and one "don't" when it comes to writing job descriptions.

•Include the job title and purpose of the role

•Describe the responsibilities of the job in terms of: Expected time commitments, Typical job tasks

•Describe the required and preferred qualifications for the role: Education, KSAOs, Certifications, Prior experience

Job descriptions should not:

•Be very lengthy

•Include vague or discriminatory language


Define emotional contagion and give an example of how it could positively affect a work environment

Instinctively, humans tend to align with the emotional states they perceive during interactions (Ekman et al., 1983; Hatfield et al., 1994).

Emotional contagion can be reflected in showing a similar facial, vocal, or postural expression, as well as similar neurophysiological and neurological reactions toward the interacting party (Herrando& Constantinides, 2021).


Name the 6 universal emotions

Happiness, sadness, fear, surprise, anger, disgust


Briefly explain Pashler et al.'s (2008) findings regarding learning styles.

There is no evidence to support that people consistently have a style of learning that they 1) prefer and 2) learn better through.


Name the 5 personality traits of the Big 5 Factor Model

Openness, Conscientiousness, Extroversion, Agreeableness, Neuroticism


Define emotional dissonance. What are two ways that employees deal with emotional dissonance?

When felt emotions and displayed emotions are different/in conflict

•Surface acting – individual fakes the required emotion

•Deep acting – individual tries to actually feel the required emotion


Explain why job attitudes matter.

They help us predict important outcomes (e.g., performance, turnover, etc)

What is the science-practice gap?

The science-practice gap refers to the disconnect between academic research (science) and its application in real-world settings (practice). This gap occurs when findings from scientific research are not effectively translated into practical applications, or when practitioners do not use evidence-based practices informed by current research.


Explain what a work sample is. How can work samples be numerically compared across candidates?

Work sample: An example of the job candidate’s work. This can be past work (e.g., a portfolio) or the candidate may be asked to complete a brief, job relevant task to demonstrate their skills.

Raters or behaviorally anchored ratings scales (BARS)


How is procedural justice different from distributive justice?

•Procedural justice: Perceived fairness of the means, or procedures, used to determine outcomes (Colquitt et al., 2013)

•Distributive justice: An employee's perceived fairness of outcomes (Colquitt et al.,2013)


Explain one social or biological reason why emotional contagion occurs

•Understanding and mimicking others’ emotions helps us get along with each other (and stay alive) better

•Mirror neurons: Specialized type of braincell that helps us internally simulate the actions and emotions of others


What are two negative consequences of the science-practice gap?

1) Negative behaviors in practice

2) Research that lacks value


Hiring Manager Lisa Garcia oversees recruitment for a downtown hair salon catering primarily to women clientele. When reviewing resumes for a hairstylist position, she disregards those from applicants who are men, believing it aligns with the salon's customer base to hire only women. What does Lisa risk by using this strategy? Select all that apply.

Legal liability for gender discrimination

Potential loss of qualified candidates

Higher operating costs for the salon

All of the above

None of the above 

Legal liability for gender discrimination

Potential loss of qualified candidates


The below graph represents an individual's affect. Interpret the graph in terms of this person's trait and state affect.

Negative trait affect, positive state affect on day 5


Name and give an example of the four factors that make up organizational citizenship behaviors.

•Helping: Helping others with or preventing the occurrence of work-related problems

•Sportsmanship: A willingness on the part of employees to tolerate less than ideal circumstances without complaining and making problems seem bigger than they actually are

•Civic virtue: Active participation in organizational activities beyond what is required, such as attending meetings, volunteering for committees, or participating in organizational events.

•Compliance: Accept and adhere to the rules, regulations, and procedures of the organization