French and Indian War
Revolutionary Actions
Revolutionary Ideas
Revolutionary War

Although colonists and Native Americans physically fought in the war, this war was between France and this country.

What is England or Great Britian?


This act placed a tax on official papers. It mostly affected the middle class, targeting people who could read.

What is the Stamp Act?


This was a reaction the the Tea Act of 1773 when colonists dumped tea into the Boston Harbor as a form of protest.

What is the Boston Tea Party?


These rights cannot be taken away.

What are inalienable rights?


This was a major motivating factor for African Americans to join the war on either side.

What is freedom from slavery or manumission?


Both France and England wanted to claim this territory which led to the French and Indian War.

What is the Ohio River Valley?


Following Pontiac's Rebellion, England tried to limit colonial expansion into western territories by creating this policy. While this benefitted Native Americans, colonists were frustrated they could not expand their farms.

What is the Proclamation of 1763?


This organization was created as a response to the Stamp Act. They organized protests against the British government, specifically the Boston Tea Party.

What are the Sons of Liberty?


This is the idea that the people have to agree to their government for it to be effective. 

What is Consent of the Governed?


This group of Native American tribes was divided by the Revolutionary War, with some tribes fighting for the Americans and some fighting for the British.

What is the Iroquious Confederacy?


The Treaty of Paris signed in 1763 determined that England would now have control over this country and the Ohio River Valley.

What is Canada?


This act forced American colonists to allow British soldiers to live on their property if necessary.

What is the Quartering Act?


As a reaction to the Townshend Acts, colonists started protesting on the streets of Boston. When the British soldiers responded, 5 Americans ended up killed during this event in 1770.

What is the Boston Massacre?


These are the rights of "life, liberty, and property".

What are Natural Rights?


This country provided ships and weapons to assist the Americans during the war.

What is France?


This conflict broke out very quickly after the end of the war because Natives were frustrated about British expansion. In response the British passed the Proclamation of 1763.

What is Pontiac's Rebellion?


To help pay for the expenses of the French and Indian War, the British government passed these acts which placed taxes on things like paper, paint, glass, and other useful items.

What are the Townshend Acts?


As a reaction to the Quartering Act, this was created in 1774 as a way for colonists to come together and discuss an organized response to British actions.

What is the Continental Congress?


According the the Declaration of Independence, the main purpose of government is to protect the rights of this.

What is the people?


This country had the advantage of an experienced military, superior training with lots of experience in warfare.

What is England?


This famous American general lost a major battle during the French and Indian War, contradicting claims that he was a great military leader.

Who is George Washington?


These laws were passed to punish the Massachusetts colony and set restrictions on their ability to organize. 

What are the Intolerable Acts?


This movement came about as a boycott of British goods in which women made their own clothes so they wouldn't have to buy them from the British.

What is the Homespun Movement?


According to the Declaration, if the people do not have rights in their government, what can do this. *must use the exact words from the Declaration

What is "alter or abolish it"?


This country had the advantage of a knowledge of the land, guerilla warfare, and strong leadership with an effective spy network.

What is the U.S.?