What is an organization that established ethical codes?
The American Psychological Association
How much of an experiment do the researchers have to disclose?
As much as they can
What is confidentiality?
Knowing who the participants are but agreeing to not share or include any identifying information
What is deception?
When a researcher doesn't fully inform a participant of the details of the experiment.
What is the purpose of No Harm?
Preventing the experiment from causing harm to the subjects
In the US, who provides the guidelines for ethical research?
The Department of Health and Human Services
How can infants or young children participate in studies?
With their parent or guardian's written consent
Who has the right to privacy?
All participants
What is debriefing?
After the experiment is done, researchers talk to the participant(s) about the experiement, explaining any details or removing harmful countereffects
What part of debriefing most alligns with the purpose of causing no harm?
Preventing harmful aftereffects
What are the five guidelines of ethics used in human research according to the APA?
No Harm, Informed Consent, Confidentiality, Deception, and Debriefing
At what age are children asked if they wish to participate in a study?
Around 7
What are some ways researchers exercise confidentiality?
Put consent forms in locked drawers, password-protect data, and only share with IRB approved researchers.
Why might a researcher need to lie about the purpose of the experiment?
The subject's knowledge of the purpose may influence the outcome of the experiment.
What types of physical harm could one experience due to an experiment?
Physical discomfort, pain, injury, or illness.
Another guideline not listed in the notes, what is anonimity?
Not collecting data that could identify the subjects, in order to keep their identities unknown. This is different to confidentiality because in confidentiality, you know but don't tell, vs in anonimity where you don't know.
What do researchers have to be careful of when conducting a study with a consenting child?
Changes in the state of the participant, like if they're too tired or upset to continue. This is because they cannot easily say so themself.
When confidentiality isn't readily possible, it is important that researchers...
Make sure all participants are aware of the risks
If a subject was decieved in an experiemnt, what should the researchers do during the debriefing?
They should inform the subject of how and why they were decieved
What types of psychological harm could be caused by an experiment?
Shame, anxiousness, discomfort, depression, etc.
Who checks to see if your research guidelines are ethical?
Institutional Review Board (IRB)
What are ways that researchers can guarentee that subjects understand the terms of the experiment?
Reading aloud, translating, or providing a translator
What is a common study that fundamentally cannot guarantee confidentiality?
Group studies, due to other participants being able to share, though they are told not to.
The Placebo Effect is based on what principle?
The principle of deception
Provide counseling, medical services, obtain informed consent, protect sentsitive information, etc.