The name of the system that is in place to help adults.
What is Government
Before declaring independence, the Colonies followed the government law from this nation.
What is Great Britain?
The Rock Paper Scissors system within government that allows the branches of government to restrict the powers of other branches.
What are Checks and Balances?
What is the Legislative Branch?
Joseph Stalin and Adolf Hitler are dictators who practices this form of government.
What is autocracy
Name of the document that we consider our divorce papers from Great Britain, signed in 1776.
What is the Declaration of Independence?
The Bill of Rights are the first amendments added to the constitution after its signing. How many were there?
The name of this clause ensures that states recognizes the civil matters from other states.
What is the Full Faith and Credit Clause?
Mr. Nomeland is a proud student from this prestigious university.
What is MSUM?
This is the name for the type of government we live in.
What is a federal representative democracy?
The year in which the constitution was finally finished and ratified.
The intro sequence of the constitution, laying out the plans and intentions of the document.
What is the Preamble?
The Federal Government remains stronger than the states because it can declare war, and one other reason.
What is collecting taxes?
What is it called when a poisoner is transported back to where they committed the crime?
What is extradition?
This important document lays out the rules for the country of the United States.
What is the Constitution?
The name of the first American government, before the sequel we are currently living in.
What are The Articles of Confederation?
This party of government has grown a lot since its beginning, and it includes the powers of controlling the military, enforcing the law, and the power of executive orders.
What is the Executive Branch?
The course of action the government takes in response to an issue or problem.
What is Public Policy?
Due to illness or activities, Mr. Nomeland has had control of full school days how many times?
Before Nomeland was admitted as a state, it was a country with one government led by a 5-person council called the "Nomes of Authority." What type of government was this?
What is a Unitary Oligarchy?
James Madison proposed this plan for the government during the Constitutional Convention.
What is the Virginia Plan?
Every amendment in US history has been ratified by a 3/4 vote from the states except for one. Which amendment was ratified after constitutional convention of 3/4 of the states?
What is the 21st amendment or What is the repealment of the prohibition?
There are this many total districts within our country, ensuring that no part has a complete monopoly of political influence.
What is 87,504?
What Chapter section was this class in when Mr. Nomeland took over?