Views of Psychology
Research & Careers of Psychology

The Psychological Perspective this Psychologist employs, "When Looking at why a person chooses to behave in a particular way, I will examine how they think and process information.

What is the Cognitive Perspective?


Famous Philosopher from 400 BC, who believed the mind is separate from the body and believed knowledge to be innate. (Nature over Nurture)

Who is Socrates?


The view that knowledge comes from experience & therefore science should rely on observation & experimentation.

What is Empiricism? 


Adding to the knowledge base of psychology.

What is Basic Research?


The Psychological Perspective this Psychologist employs, "When looking at why a person chooses to behave a particular way I will examine what consequences(pleasant or unpleasant) the person experienced".

What is the Socio-Cultural Perspective?


From the 1600's, this philosopher/scientist believed the mind is separate from the body, and knowledge is innate. He asked the question "How do the mind and body communicate?" (Nature over Nurture)

Who is Descartes?


The view that used introspection to explore the structure of the human mind.

What is Structuralism?


Applying knowledge gained through schooling towards a career.

What is Applied Psychology?


The Psychological Perspective this Psychologist employs, "Depression is influenced by genetic predisposition and brain chemistry"

What is the Biological Perspective?


This Political Philosopher from the 1650's believed the mind at birth was a "Tabula Rasa" or a Blank Slate. (Nurture over Nature)

Who is John Locke?


The view believes that the unconscious mind affects behavior, and how childhood repression affects us.

What is Psychoanalysis?


A career in which a Ph.D. is not required but, you still have patients which you study and attempt to 'cure' or help

What is Clinical Psychologist, Counselor


The Psychological Perspective this Psychologist employs, "The unconscious mind influences everything we do".

What is the Psychodynamic Perspective?


This Psychologist was the first to open a dedicated psychology lab in Germany and solidified psychology as a science.

Who is Wilhelm Wundt?


The view that psychology should be objective and observable, should study Stimulus-Response.

What is Behaviorism?


A career with a Ph.D. requirement that allows you to prescribe medications to patients with mental illness.

What is a Psychiatrist?


The Psychological Perspective this Psychologist employs, "We are constantly trying to become who we are. Our lives are a process of growth."

What is the Humanistic Perspective?


This Psychologist believed that the mind is adaptive, and wrote the first psychology textbook.

Who is William James?


The research of the brain and body.

What is Neuroscience?