Media Literacy
Judicial Reform
Privacy vs Security
Police Interactions

This event, named after the date it happened is the culmination of growing denial over the failed reelection campaign of outgoing president Donald Trump. This event is notable for the mob directed themselves at the orders of the 45th president towards the capitol in an effort to overturn the 2020 election.

What is January 6th 2021?


These are conditions in which someone that has been arrested and awaiting trial are bound to before trial. Can be in the form of a written promise or cash payment as insurance to appear.

What is Bail/Bond/Recognizance?


This is the term to describe when a person is given preferential treatment based on their behavior that is seen as favorable to the image of society.

What is Whitelisting?


This amendment to the US constitution guarantees a citizen the freedom of speech, religion, press, and right to redress grievances. 

What is the 1st amendment?


This term describes the crossover between different groups of people in their activities.

What is Intersectionality?


This kind of talking point is one in which without actually saying something racist or controversial the person caters to that kind of rhetoric. Ex: “Thugs” to refer to BLM protesters  

What is a Dog Whistle


This Illinois law prohibits the use of cash bail as a condition of release of an arrestee awaiting trial.

What is the Safe-T Act?


This China based media platform has been in the news for the collection of user data for the use of the Chinese government. 

What is TikTok?


This amendment to the US constitution guarantees the right to not self incriminate (you are not required to answer incriminating questions).

What is the 5th Amendment?


This act of seizure is one in which a law enforcement officer conducts an investigation. This seizure is meant to be limited in scope and time frame.

What is Detainment?


DAILY DOUBLE: This is the use of humor or exaggeration to critique a person organization or policy. When not understood as humor, intentionally false information can be taken as fact.  

What is Satire?


This is the term to describe a period in time in which a large portion of the population is locked up.

What is mass incarceration?


This rating system has been put in place in various cities in China that ranks citizens based on their conduct within society.

 What is The Social Credit Score System?


This amendment to the US constitution guarantees a citizen to be free from unreasonable searches and seizures without a warrant.

What is the 4th amendment?


The right to vote can be stripped even after this kind of conviction has been served out in most states.

What is a Felony?


This kind of misinformation takes an image, quote, or other piece of content and puts it into a new, false context to change its meaning.

What is False Context?


This is the term for a group of legislation and changes in policy that changed the way policing enforced drug laws. These changes were followed by a marked increase in drug arrests, SWAT searches, police budgets, and overcriminalization.

What is The War On Drugs?


This United States Government organization had details about their mass surveillance patterns leaked by former employee Edward Snowden

What is the National Security Administration (NSA)?


This amendment to the US constitution enshrined that work without compensation is unconstitutional unless a person has been convicted of a crime

What is the 13th Amendment?


This act is one in which a law enforcement officer seizes a person in order to ensure that person will go in front of a judge for an alleged crime.

What is Arrest?


This kind of content uses a well known name brand or logo to fool people into believing that it is authentic content.

What is Imposter Content?


This is a requirement by court systems to sentence individuals to a minimum punishment regardless of other circumstances in which a judge would usually give discretion

What is Mandatory Minimum Sentencing?


This is the term to describe when a person is secretly removed from eligibility within society for their conduct.

Ex: Actors no longer chosen to be cast in movies, Chinese citizens refused jobs based on their views of the government 

What is Blacklisting?


This landmark supreme court case determined that cursory searches for weapons (Stop and frisk) laws that grant police officers the authority to check a person they believe to be armed and dangerous for weapons to be constitutional.

What is Terry v Ohio?


DAILY DOUBLE: This caselaw out of Texas determined that citizens have a constitutional right to record police and other public officials in the course of their duties.

What is Turner v Driver?