This document asserted the independence of the colonies from Great Britain.
Declaration of Independence
Name one branch of government and its role.
Judicial- Interprets Laws
Legislative- Creates Laws
Executive- Carries Out Laws
A term used to describe supporters of the Constitution during ratification debates in state legislatures.
Who was the first President of the United States?
George Washington
You go to a gun show with your family. You attempt to purchase 13 guns. You approached by a security guard saying you are limited to one gun per family member attending the show. What document would you show the security guard would you show the guard so you can buy all 13 guns?
The Bill of Rights
What is the name of the pamphlet written by Thomas Paine that claimed colonies had a right to be an independent nation?
Common Sense
What branch of government creates the laws?
Legislative Branch
Opponents of the American Constitution at the time when the states were contemplating its adoption
Thomas Paine
You were elected to be the next President of France. You are looking to write a new set of laws and rules for the country. What document could you use as an template for your new law of the land?
U.S. Constitution
The first 10 amendments to the Constitution.
The Bill of Rights
What branch of government carries out laws?
Executive Branch
Also known as the "Compromise of 1820", this compromise introduced the 36th parallel.
Missouri Compromise
"Father of the constitution", Federalist leaders, and the fourth president of the United States.
James Madison
You and your neighbors want to separate yourselves from American control and take over the town of Avilla. What document could you use as a template for your letter of separation.
Declaration of Independence
"The supreme law of the land" Written to replace the Articles of confederation and create a stronger central government.
U.S. Constitution
What branch of government interprets laws?
Judicial Branch
What court case established the Supreme Court's power of the Judicial Branch?
Marbury v Madison
Who is the Author of the Declaration of Independence?
Thomas Jefferson
You want to inspire your local classmates to overtake your schools administration. What document would you research as an example to help you inspire your classmates to join you and your revolution.
Common Sense
A weak constitution that governed America during the revolutionary war.
Articles of Confederation
Name All three branches of government
Legislative, Executive, Judicial
An American Foreign policy opposing interference in the western hemisphere from outside powers
The Monroe Doctrine
What was the name of the king of Great Britain during the American Revolution.
King George III
You were the principal at East Noble High School for over twenty years. You announced that this school year would be your last. At the graduation ceremony you will be giving a speech about your time as the principal as well as giving advice to the graduates as they continue their journey of life. What famous speech would you use as a template for your speech at the ceremony?
Washington's Farewell Address