Formal Prayer & Informal Prayer
Meditating/Reflecting & Devotional Prayer
Intercessory Prayer
Novena & Bible

What is formal prayer?

A prayer that is structured, written, and memorized. 


What is meditating/reflecting?

Meditating or reflecting prayer is a quiet way to connect with God by thinking deeply about His words or your feelings. Instead of using specific words, you might focus on a Bible verse or a personal intention, allowing time for silence and reflection. This type of prayer helps you listen to God and understand your thoughts and emotions better. It's like taking a peaceful moment to think and feel close to God.


What is intercessory prayer?

Intercessory prayer is when you pray on behalf of someone else, asking God to help, heal, or support them. It involves bringing the needs, concerns, or challenges of others to God, whether it's for friends, family, or even the world. This type of prayer shows compassion and love, as it focuses on the well-being of others and seeks good intervention in their lives.


What is a Novena and how do you pray it?  

A novena is a special type of prayer in Catholicism that is said over nine consecutive days. It often involves specific prayers, reflections, or devotions dedicated to a specific intention, saint, or feast day. Novenas can be used for various purposes, such as asking for help, healing, or guidance. They are a way for people to deepen their faith and seek God through the Saint's help. Each day of the novena, you say a specific prayer or series of prayers and may also reflect on a particular aspect of your faith or ask for a specific blessing. This helps you to focus on your faith and build a stronger relationship with God.


What month is Ms. Elyas getting married?



What are two examples of formal prayers?

1) Our Father

2) Hail Mary 


What are two examples of meditating/reflecting?

1) Sitting in silence

2) Daily Examination (what did I do good, what can I do better...)


What are two examples of intercessory prayer?

1) Praying for/with others

2) Asking a Saint for help


What is the role of a saint during a Novena?

During a novena, people ask for the intercession of saints. Saints are people who lived really holy lives and are now in Heaven with God. Catholics believe that saints can help pray for us and bring our needs before God, just like you might ask a friend or family member to help you with something.


Who is Ms. Elyas' favorite Saint?

St. Therese


What is the highest form of prayer and is it a formal or informal prayer?

1) Mass 

2) Formal


What is devotional prayer and why is it important?

Devotional prayer is a special way to express love and commitment to God. It often includes prayers, readings, and reflections focused on a specific theme or saint. People use devotional prayers to grow closer to God and deepen their faith. Devotional prayer is important because it helps deepen your relationship with God and allows you to reflect on your faith and learn from examples of saints. 


Why is important we pray for others?

Praying for others is important because it shows love and compassion. It can provide comfort to those in need, reminding them that they are not alone in their struggles. Intercessory prayer encourages selflessness, helping us focus on the needs of others. The Bible encourages intercessory prayer, as seen in James 5:16, which says, "The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective." and Galatians 6:2, which says, “Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ."


What is the significance of the number nine and how does it relate to praying a Novena?

The number nine has special significance in the Catholic tradition. For example, it reflects the nine months of Mary’s pregnancy with Jesus, symbolizing a period of preparation, patience and anticipation.


What were the themes of the two episodes of The Chosen that we watched in class? 

1) The Mount of Beatitudes - prayer

2) The Wedding at Canaa - intercessory  


Why are the formal prayers important?

The Our Father was taught by Jesus in the Bible, making it very special. These prayers are important because they help people connect with God, reflect on their faith, and remember Jesus' teachings.


What are four examples of a devotional prayer?

1) The Rosary

2) A Novena

3) The Divine Mercy

4) A Saint Prayer


Why is it important we pray with others?

Praying with others is important because it strengthens community bonds and a unity in faith. When we come together to pray, we support one another and share our intentions, which can create a powerful atmosphere. The Bible highlights this in Matthew 18:20, which says, "For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them." This verse emphasizes that God's presence is especially felt when we pray together. 

How did we learn to read the Bible in class? There are 3 steps. 
1) Start with a plan

2) Read a little bit each day - it is not a chapter book

3) Pray before and after for understanding and thanks


What two assignments have we done so far?

1) All About Me Worksheet

2) Prayer Styles Worksheet 


What is the opposite of formal prayer, how do we practice that, and why is it important?

1) Informal prayer

2) An informal prayer is a more personal way to talk to God without following specific words. It can be done anytime, anywhere, and you can share your thoughts, feelings, or questions in your own words. It's like having a conversation with a friend! 

3) It's important because it helps us build a special and intimate relationship with God since the prayers come from our own feelings and thoughts. 


What role do saints play in devotional prayers?

Saints play an important role in devotional prayers as they serve as examples of faith and holiness. People often pray to saints for their intercession, asking them to pray to God on their behalf. Devotional prayers may focus on a particular saint’s life, virtues, or miracles, helping individuals feel inspired and connected to their faith journey. Saints remind us that we can strive to live a life of virtue and closeness to God, just as they did.


In class, we talked about a specific scenario when Mother Mary intercedes and Jesus' listened to her, even though He did not want to. Explain. 

Wedding at Canaa. The bride and groom ran out of wine, so Mother Mary asked Jesus to turn the water into wine. He replied, "It is not my time yet", but did it anyway, since His mother asked. 


Why is it important to read the Bible? We talked about five reasons in class - name three. 

1) Learn About God: The Bible teaches you about God’s love, His promises, and how He wants us to live.

2) Get Guidance: It helps you make good choices and understand what’s right and wrong.

3) Grow in Faith: Reading the Bible helps you grow closer to God and strengthens your faith.

4) Connect with Tradition: Reading the Bible is part of the Catholic tradition and helps you connect with the teachings of the Church.

5) Discover God’s Plan: Catholics believe the Bible reveals God’s plan for us and shows how Jesus is the center of that plan.


How many more days until Christmas?

71 DAYS!