Vital Signs
Care Plan
Body Systems

What is high and low blood pressure called?

What is Hypertension and Hypotension. 


How would you go about Apical pulse.

What is Place the Diaphragm below the chest, aligned with the thel, firm placement and pressure to be able to hear it. 


Who is the care plan prepared for?

Each resident individually 

5 organs of the Respiratory system.  

What is: Nose, Mouth, Epiglottis, Pharynx, Larynx, Trachea, Bronchi, Lungs, Bronchioles, Alveoli 

When you notice a resident acting different than the normal, what is the first thing you should do?

What is take a set of vital signs. 


Amount of force exerted against the walls of an artery when the heart is pumping blood into arterial circulation. 

What is Systolic Pressure


How do you tell an oral thermometer from a rectal thermometer?

Long blue narrow tip is oral/axillary. Rounded stubby red tip is rectal.

What can the care plan be described as?

a plan of action for all residents to fulfill their basic needs. 


Functions of the Cardiovascular System

What is carrying nutrients and oxygen to cells, and removing waste products from cells 

How far should the cuff be above the elbow?

about 1 inch above the elbow.


An individual plan of nursing care for each resident

What is care plan


Time required for accurate temperature reading.

Oral: 5-8 minutes 

Rectal: 3-4 minutes 

Axillary: 10-12 minutes 


What are two of the Nurse Assistants responsibilities relating to the care plan?

contributes, familiar with, uses individual careplans

knows and implements changes 

follows goals and care plans exactly as written. 

observes and assesses residents response to care

reports the residents response to care

documents residents response when assigned to do so


Related Health problems to the Cardiovascular systems

Hypertension, heart attack/myocardial infarction, congestive heart failure, and the need for a pacemaker 


What are three factors that can increase blood pressure?

strong emotions, pain, exercise, disease/conditions, some medications.


Increased pressure within the eye

What is Glaucoma 


3 things to raise and lower body temperature.

raise: increase temperature in the room, add coverings to the body, provide warm liquids to drink, give warm bath, shower, or soaks, increase level of activity.

lower: decrease temperature in the room, remove coverings from the body, offer cool liquids to drink, provide cool bath, shower, or sponging. 


Who are three of the medical staff members involved in creating the care plan for the resident? 

Activity director, social worker, physical therapist, occupational therapist, dietitian, 


Organs of the Cardiovascular System

Heart, Blood vessels, and Blood


What method of measurement does the blood pressure cuff use?

mercury manometer


What is Febrile and Afebrile

What is fever and no-fever.


Average oral, rectal, and axillary temperature, pulse, and respiration range.

Oral temperature: 95.0 F - 98.6 F

Rectal temperature: 96.0 F - 99.6 F

Axillary temperature: 94.0 F - 97.6 F

Pulse: 50-100 bpm

Respiration: 14-20 bpm


What are five reasons a resident may be unable to meet personal needs?

Poorly fitting dentures, digestive problems


illness(vision loss, disease, stroke, memory loss,ext.)

needing a walker or cane 

unable to attend religious services

anxious or depressed

poor sleep, short naps daily, up to the bathroom late at night 

unable to bathe entire body


Related Health problems for Respiratory system 

Emphysema, pneumonia, lung cancer, tuberculosis



What are the first five steps for the skills sheets(pink sheets)?

Gather equipment

Clean equipment

wash hands

introduce yourself

provide privacy