Lit 1
Lit 2
Final Jeopardy

True or False: Figurative Language is the strict use of language, where a writer uses words that always have literal meanings. 


Figurative language is a type of communication that does not use a word’s strict or realistic meaning. Common in comparisons and exaggerations, figurative language is usually used to add creative flourish to written or spoken language or explain a complicated idea. 


Multiple choice: 

"You are my shining star is an example of a ________

A. Simile 

B. Theme statement 

C. Metaphor 

D. Allusion

C. Metaphor 

Explanation: A metaphor states that one thing is another thing. It equates those two things not because they actually are the same, but for the sake of comparison to draw out a bigger point. 


What country came second in the 2024 Paris Olympics for most overall medals? 


True or False: an example of an allusion would be a child who perceives tree branches at night as if they are goblins.

FALSE - this is an example of an Illusion, not an Allusion 

Allusion: an expression designed to call something to mind without mentioning it explicitly; an indirect or passing reference. Ex: "an allusion to Shakespeare". 


"Grandad is as wise as an owl" is (a): 

A. Simile 

B. Metaphor 

C. Alliteration

D. Theme statement 

A. Simile 

compares two things using "like" or "as" 


Actor Blake Lively has come under scrutiny in the last few weeks over her media appearances in promotion of her new film, which deals with domestic violence. Critics claim that she is using the appearances to promote products she sells. 

What is the name of that upcoming film? 

"It Ends With Us" 


Word choice, vocabulary, dialogue, and plot are all elements of __________. 

Author's choices 


True or False: the story of Beowulf has only one Theme? 

False - any complex work on literature will have more than one theme. 


What was the first music single that put rapper Hunxho on the map? 

 "Let's Get It" (2021)


Is the following quote is an example of Indirect or Direct Characterization? 

Old man Humphrey stiffened the moment the child came close. “Get out of here!” he snapped abruptly. “I’m sick of you kids trampling my lawn!”

Indirect characterization 


"Old man Humphrey never liked children, even when he himself was a child" is an example of 

A. Direct characterization 

B. Indirect characterization 

Direct characterization 


What is the name of Kamala Harris' running mate for the 2024 presidential election? 

Tim Walz 


In Beowulf, the Mead Hall is a place of community, where traditions were preserved, loyalty was rewarded, and, perhaps most important, stories were told and reputations were spread. 

It is a ___________ of success and joy in the the community, and thus it is tragic when Grendel ruins the great atmosphere and make it a place of dread. 

A. Metaphor 

B. Symbol 

C. Allusion

D. Theme 

It is a (B) symbol. 

Remember = Symbolism is language writers use to communicate messages visually, even when their work isn’t illustrated. Within a text, symbolism works visually as pieces of imagery that create a picture in the reader’s mind. 

There are three steps to developing a theme statement. Put them in the correct order= 

A. Determine the theme or author's message about a universal topic--> Consider how story elements connect to key topics --> Identify important and recurring topics, like loss or justice, in a text. 

B. Consider how story elements connect to key topics --> Identify important and recurring topics --> Determine the theme or author's message about a universal topic 

C. Identify important and recurring topics --> Consider how story elements connect to key topics --> Determine the theme or author's message about a universal topic. 

C. Identify important and recurring topics --> Consider how story elements connect to key topics --> Determine the theme or author's message about a universal topic.


Name the four different "books" which make up the current universe of the show Power


Power Book II: Ghost (2020–2024) 

Power Book III: Raising Kanan (2021–present) 

Power Book IV: Force (2022–present)


Which of the following is a Theme statement for Beowulf: 

A. Beowulf should have worn armor 

B. Courage 

C. Sometimes heroes can have inner flaws like arrogance 

D. Grendel had a grudge against the mead hall 

C. Sometimes heroes can have inner flaws like arrogance