Addition & Subtraction
Metric Conversions
Multiplicative Comparison
Comparing Numbers

Liam is organizing a fundraiser and starts with 12,345 dollars. He spends 4,567 dollars on supplies and then receives a donation of 2,345 dollars. Later, he spends another 1,234 dollars on decorations. How much money does Liam have left?



Ms. Cobb ran a 5 kilometers yesterday afternoon. How many meters did she run? 

5, 000 meters

  1. A small tree is 2 feet tall. A large tree is 6 times as tall as the small tree. How tall is the large tree?

12 feet tall 


Write a comparison statement using the following numbers: 

13,567 and 18, 457

13, 567 < 18, 457


A factory produced 56,789 toys in a year. If the factory wants to round the number of toys produced to the nearest ten thousand, what is the rounded number of toys?

60,000 toys 


A bookstore had 23,456 books in stock. They sold 8,123 books and then received 5,678 new books. However, 2,345 books were damaged and had to be removed. How many books are now in the bookstore?

18,666 books


3 km 45 m = ________ m 

3,045 meters

  1. Tom has $8 in his piggy bank. His sister has 3 times as much money as Tom. His mom has  4 times as much as Tom's sister. How much money does Tom's mom have?


  1. Order these numbers from least to greatest:
    9,876,876 ;  9,768,768 ;  9,687,687 ;  9,867,867

a) 9, 687, 687

b) 9,768,768

c) 9,867,867

d) 9,876, 876


A bookstore is estimating their sales for the month. They sold 23,456 books in total. If they round this number to the nearest thousand, about how many books did they sell? 

23,000 books 


Sophie is collecting stamps. She initially has 10,235 stamps. She buys 3,456 more stamps and then gives away 1,789 stamps to her friend. After that, she finds 2,345 more stamps in her collection. How many stamps does Sophie have now?

14, 247 stamps


Amy drinks 2 L 80 mL of water. Amy drank 256 more ML of water of water than Okoh. How may milliliters of water did Okoh drink? 

Okoh drank 1, 824 milliliters of water 


Emma runs 2 miles every day. Her brother runs 3 times as far as Emma. How many miles does Emma's brother run each day?

6 miles 


Compare the following numbers: 754,344 and 754,434

754, 344 < 754,434


A school is calculating the total number of students. There are 48,321 students currently enrolled. If the school rounds this number to the nearest hundred, what is the rounded number of students?

48,300 students


A school has 7,890 pencils. They give 2,345 pencils to a local charity and then buy 1,678 new pencils. If 456 pencils are found to be broken and discarded, how many pencils are left in the school?

6, 767 pencils 


Mrs. Avera is baking pumpkin bread for all of the 4th grade teachers. She uses 5 kilograms of flour. How many grams of flour did she use? 

Mrs. Avera used 5,000 grams of flour


A recipe calls for 5 cups of flour. Another recipe requires 2 times as much flour. How many cups of flour does the second recipe need?

10 cups of flour


Write a comparison statement using the following numbers: 

321, 456 ; 67, 543 ; 987, 434

321,456 > 67, 543 < 987, 434


A company’s annual revenue was reported as 134,567 dollars. If they round this amount to the nearest ten thousand, what is the rounded revenue?



Ben has 14,567 marbles. He gives 3,456 marbles to his cousin and then buys 2,789 more marbles. Later, he loses 1,234 marbles while playing. How many marbles does Ben have now?

12,666 marbles 


Juan is going to the gym. He can lift 57 kilograms of weight. How much can Juan lift in grams? 

57, 000 grams


Sara has 3 stickers. John has 4 times as many stickers as Sara. Emma has 5 times as many as John. How many stickers does Emma have?

60 stickers


Which of the following comparison statements is correct? 

a) 346, 285 > 765, 289

b) 167, 433 = 167, 343

c) 456, 321 < 875, 409

d) 34, 123 = 34, 321

C) 456, 321 < 875, 409


A local park has 45,678 visitors this month. If the park wants to report the number of visitors rounded to the nearest thousand, how many visitors should they report?

46,000 visitors