Author's Craft
Reader's Craft
Character Analysis
Plot Details

What is a short story?

a brief work of prose fiction


Define protagonist.

the story's main character

What does it mean to make inferences?

using clues in the text along with what you know from your own personal experience to help you figure out what is not directly stated in the story


Describe Ben-Hur's character flaw in Ben Hur.



What does Goliath demand from the Israelite army?

a man to fight him


What is a biblical narrative?

a divinely inspired, God-given account of real-life events, Biblical narratives (like narrative fiction)that contains many literary elements

What is the difference between an antagonist and a villain?

An antagonist is a force or character against whom the protagonist struggles.

A villain is an antagonist that is evil or cruel.


What is a graphic organizer?

a visual or graphic aid that can help a reader to see relationships, organize ideas, and remember information


In "Thank You, M'am" what does Roger resist doing? (This is a moment of internal conflict.)

He resists the urge to run out of the open door, and he stays with Mrs. Jones and washes his face for dinner.


What happens to Messala during the chariot race in Ben-Hur?

He crashes and the chariots run over him, crushing his legs.


What is an informational text?

a nonfiction text that provides facts about a subject


What is author's purpose?

What is author's perspective?

Author's purpose - reason for writing

Author's perspective - the ideas and feelings he has towards the topic he writes about


What is a summary?

a shortened version of the information written in your own words

Which of Goliath's traits can you infer from his dialogue, "Why are ye come out to set your battle in array? Am not I a Philistine, and ye servants to Saul?...I defy the armies of Israel this day..."

arrogant and ungodly


What is point of view and from what p.o.v. is "The Whistle" written?

point-of-view is the perspective from which the story is told; it is written from 1st person p.o.v.


What is a historical fiction novel?

a story that combines imagined events and characters with historical characters, events, and settings from a time period prior to the author's own

Name and define the 2 types of confict.

External conflict - between characters or between a character and some other outside force

Internal conflict - between a character and his own emotions, thoughts, or beliefs


What does it mean to compare and contrast?

helps you make connections between related ideas by highlighting important details and organizing information


How do Lemon Brown and Greg originally feel about each other?  How does this change?

They are suspicious and nervous of each other at first. After their time together scaring off the thieves and talking about their lives, their attitudes have changed for the better and Greg has learned to value others.


What does Lemon Brown consider to be his treasure?

What is Greg's treasure?

a harmonica and newspaper clippings that his son carried with him in war; his father's love


We have read many literary texts this year. Which 3 literary texts are considered short stories?

"The Whistle"

"The Treasure of Lemon Brown"
"Thank You, M'am"


Draw and label a plot diagram.

exposition, inciting incident, rising action, crisis/climax, falling action, and resolution


List 3 examples of a graphic organizer.

Venn diagrams, t-charts, bubble maps, KWL charts, etc.


How does Zac Sunderland demonstrate maturity?

He achieved his dream through hard work. He sails around the world alone, but called for help when needed.  He is satisfied with his accomplishments.  He is mot upset at the idea of someone younger than he is breaking his record.


What memory comes to Ben-Hur's mind as he watched Jesus on the cross?

He remembers how Jesus brought him water when Ben-Hur was first enslsaved.