Define characteristics of positive self esteem
What is, Thoughts / feelings towards yourself that are confident, worthy, accepting, and positive.
Why is the internet dangerous?
What is, predators, addiction, and lack of physical and social involvements.
Identify 2 people you can tell if you are being bullied online.
What is, Guardian
Guidance Counselor / Principal
How many times a year should you practice at-home fire drills?
What is, 2x a year
What is, quick and temporary care given to someone who is injured.
What is negative self esteem?
What is, Feelings / thoughts towards yourself that are not confident. They are destructive, doubtful and negative to how you see yourself in society.
What is cyberbullying?
What is, bullying / intimidation that is not done in person but on a computer or on a phone.
True or False: If you wouldn't say it to your guardians or bestfriends, you shouldn't say it online.
What is, True. Whatever you post now is there for a lifetime.
How fast should you escape a burning building?
What is, 3 minutes or less.
Why should you wear gloves during first aid?
What is, prevention of spreading germs through bodily fluids like sweat, blood and vomit.
What is peer pressure?
What is, actions, thoughts or perspectives that can be positive OR negative and are influences by other people.
What should you not share online?
What is, personal information like your address, full name, birthday or passwords.
Identify 2 strategies to lessen the amount of time spent online.
What is, a timer, asking for help, interacting with people and being there to support others who struggle with controlling this.
Why should you crawl and not run when escaping a burning building?
What is the cleanest and coolest air will be at the bottom of the room because smoke and heat rise.
What does the acronym R.I.C.E stand for?
What is,
R- Rest for the first 2 days
I- Ice for 20 minutes on and off
C- Compress the swelling with an ace bandage
E- Elevate the injury above the heart and brain for quicker blood flow and healing
What is Eustress?
What is, Positive stressors in life like sports, school assignments, new siblings, and trying something new that help build you into being a better person in society.
How to prevent scams?
What is, don't open random /unusual emails and messages, don't share passwords, and don't meet with people you met only online.
Why should you not believe everything you read online?
What is, false websites, false people (lying about who they are) and false perspectives (people only show you what they want you to see)
Why should you crack your window and not open it completely when trying to tell a fire department where you are?
What is, Fire is fueled by oxygen and will get bigger.
What is the name of the shot given for a deep puncture wound?
What is, Tetanus Shot
What is Distress?
What is, Negative stressors in life like unresolved arguments with family or friends, death of a loved one, being bullied, and not meeting deadlines. These stressors make it harder to become a better person for the future.
Name 4 characteristics of someone who is addicted to technology.
What is, loosing sleep, distracted by thoughts of the games / apps, feeling anxious, sad, or angry when you're away from it and spending more time online than outside physically moving with others.
What is an online predator?
Someone who is not who they say they are and do not care about your safety.
Where should you go if you are stuck in a bedroom with a fire on the other side of the door?
What is, by the window and never under/ behind anything. (Be in plain sight for when help arrives)
What should you tell 911 for poison consumption?
What is, The name and address of the person, the name of poison (like bleach), the time it happened, and physical / emotional state of the person who swallowed it.