Vectors, Distance and Displacement
Motion in X-direction
Motion in Y-direction
Objects in the air

Which of the following is a vector? Time, Speed, Velocity, or Distance

What is velocity


A car travels 100 m north in 50 seconds. What is it's average velocity

v = d/t           a = Vf-Vi/t

What is 2 m/s


In physics, when objects fall to the ground, they travel in this direction

What is negative


When an object is thrown upward into the air, its velocity is this at the highest point

What is 0 m/s?


An object can accelerate in 3 ways, speed up, slow down, or by doing this

What is change direction


By definition, Vectors have both

What is Magnitude and Direction


A car travels at a velocity of 5 m/s west for 30 seconds. How far did the car travel?

v = d/t           a = Vf-Vi/t

What is a 150 m


When an object falls to the ground its acceleration is approximately 

What is -10 m/s2


When a feather and a rock are dropped in a vacuum from the same height at the same time, which one hits the ground first

What is they both hit the ground at the same time


When a car slows down, this type of acceleration is occurring

What is negative acceleration


A man walks 20 m North and 40 m South. The distance the man walked is

What is 60 m


A car speeds up from 35 m/s to 65 m/s in 5 seconds. What is it's acceleration

v = d/t           a = Vf-Vi/t

What is the 6 m/s2


A book takes 2 seconds to hit the ground. The speed on the book when it hit the ground was

d = (0.5)at2      Vf = at

What is -20 m/s2


When an object is thrown upward into the air, its velocity does this as it travels up

What is decreases, slows down


Which is an example of acceleration

A car traveling at 30 m/s east, A car sitting at a red light, or A car traveling around a corner at 5 m/s

What is a car traveling around a corner at 5 m/s


A man walks 80 m east and 30 m west. The man's displacement is 

What is 50 m east


A car slows down from 30 m/s to 5 m/s in 10 seconds. What is it's acceleration

v = d/t           a = Vf-Vi/t

What is -2.5 m/s2


An apple falls to the ground for 5 seconds. The distance the apple fell was

d = (0.5)at2      Vf = at

What is -125 m?


When an object is thrown upward into the air, its velocity does this as it travels down

What is increases, speeds up


A car speeds up traveling east on a highway. The car's acceleration while speeding up would best be described as

What is positive acceleration


A woman walks 8 m east then 6 m south. The woman's distance and displacement are

What are 14 m and 10 m SE


A car is stopped at a red light. When the light turns green the car speeds up at 7 m/s2 for 8 seconds. What is its final velocity?

v = d/t           a = Vf-Vi/t

What is 56 m/s


An object falls 20 m to the ground. The time it takes the object to hit the ground is

d = (0.5)at2      Vf = at

What is 2 s


When an object is thrown upward into the air, the objects acceleration is this the entire time it is in the air.

What is -10 m/s2?


A car slows down from 140 m/s to 60 m/s in 10 seconds. The car's acceleration is

What is none (- 8 m/s2)