Archaeologists at Work
Irrigation and the Growth of Towns
Technology and the First Cities
The Invention of Writing

This is a place where humans have lived. 

What is a tell? 


In Mesopotamia, ancient peoples first settled in this cooler area.

What is the north? 


Mesopotamians of the fourth millennium traded this for luxury goods.

What is cloth? 


Sumerian script is called a syllabary because each symbol usually represents this.

What is a syllable?

Archaeologist rarely find things made of metal at a dig for these two reasons.

What are valuable and tend to be reused? 


The site of Eridu is far from water today because these two bodies of water changed course or moved farther south.

What are the Euphrates River and the Persian Gulf?


This was increased by the development of the wheeled cart.

What is the amount of goods that one person could transport?


Mesopotamian cuneiform signs were written using these ancient paper and pen.

What is a clay tablet and reed? 


These are the most common items archaeologist find because they do not disintegrate.

What are bones, stone, and clay? 


The settler of Eridu built their houses out of these three things.

What is mud, clay, and reeds?


More people would be willing to trade food with a potter who used this invention.

What is the potter's wheel? 


The earliest from of record-keeping in Mesopotamia dates back as far as.

What is 8000 BCE? 


An archaeologist might feel like a time traveler while excavating a tell for this reason.

What is the lowest level of the tell is furtherest back in time? 


The discovery of these three elements proves that the people of Eridu were involved in this economic activity. 

What are copper, tin, silver, and trading?


A cylinder seal was used by ancient Mesopotamian traders to identify this person.

Who is the owner of the goods?


The first long-distance messages involved sealing this inside of this.

What are clay tokens and clay envelopes? 


This was one of the largest cities in Syria.

What is the ancient city of Terqa? 


The lack of these at the lowest levels of the tell at Eridu means that people did not have these.

What are palaces and kings? 


By 3500 BCE, the Mesopotamians had these 6 elements of a civilization.

What are cities, government, religious practices, specialized workers, long-distance trade, social classes? 


Mesopotamian scribes used writing for these 6 reason.

What is tracking taxes and trade, contracts, list of words, hymns, prayers, and royal inscriptions?