Nature vs. Nurture
The Nervous System (Overview)
The Neuron
The Brain (Parts)
The Brain (Overview & Tools of Study)

All the environmental variables that impact who we are are referred to as



Division of the nervous system that controls unconscious functions

Autonomic nervous system


 The part of the neuron that is responsible for receiving signals from other neurons is called


Region of the brain that carries out voluntary movement.

Motor Cortex


How did psychologists use lesions to study the brain?

Harm a region of the brain and see how it affects behaviors.


Why do psychologists use twins to study nature vs nurture?

Their genetics (nature) is the same


Division of the nervous system that is solely made up of the brain and spinal chord

Central Nervous System


Neurotransmitters cross the ___________________ to carry information to the next neuron

Synapse/Synaptic Gap


Part of the brain involved in touch and pain.

Parietal Lobe


Patient suffered a brain injury and now cannot control their voluntary movements on their right side. 

Which hemisphere was damaged during the injury?

Left hemisphere





Major Depression


Antisocial Behavior


Extroversion (Personality)


Body Weight


Cognitive Test Scores Memory


Which heritability is the strongest?



Your gym teacher asks you to do 20 burpees because you were on your phone during gym class.  You do 25 because you are a teacher's pet.

Which division of your nervous system allows you to voluntarily do burpees?

Somatic Nervous System


The time shortly after a neuron fires is referred to as

Refractory period


From the time that she was a little girl, Marci had epileptic seizures. Because the seizures were so frequent and so bad and drugs did not work, she chose to have a radical brain surgery called a split brain operation. After the split brain operation, Marci's seizures were greatly reduced.

What part of Marci's brain did the neurosurgeon cut to produce a split brain?

Corpus Callosum


Of the following tools of study for the brain, which show activity and which show structure?


Structure = MRI, fMRI, CT, PET

Activity = fMRI, EEG, PET


What do heritability studies show?

The extent to which differences in the appearance of a trait across several people can be accounted for by differences in their genes


What is the purpose of the peripheral nervous system?

  • Motor Pathway: Signals from brain to muscles/glands 

  • Sensory Pathway: Signals from sensory receptors to the brain


Neurotransmitters are released from the axon once...

Electrical charge is reached = Action potential


It was Friday the 13th and Janice was being especially careful as she walked down a busy downtown street.

While she was stepping out on the street to avoid a construction ladder, leaping over a large crack in the pavement and shielding her eyes from a big black stray cat, she was hit by a city bus. The paramedics arrived to find Janice unconscious with no heartbeat. They immediately gave her CPR and tried mouth-to-mouth

resuscitation but Janice did not start breathing. Just as the big black cat walked slowly by, the paramedic said, "I bet her _____ was damaged and that's why she stopped breathing."

Medulla Oblongata


In a study, researchers found that the hippocampi grew in subjects who compete in Pi digit memorization contests.  

These results are proof of what concept?



How can epigenetics explain differences in twins?

Epigenetics = environmental factors that can affect the way genes express themselves


It was very dark as Carol walked home from the library. She was thinking about tomorrow's test when she heard heavy breathing and then felt a strong hand on her shoulder. She turned and stared into the terrifying eyes of a huge man holding a chainsaw. Without thinking, she swung her book bag with all her might, hit the enormous man in his stomach, knocked out his breath, and saw him double over. Carol ran home faster than she had ever run before. Her roommate couldn't believe that 5- feet- 1, 98- pound Carol had the strength to knock out the man's breath and speed on home. When Carol first got home, her heart was pounding, her breathing was rapid, her nerves were on edge, she was sweating, and her mouth was dry. It was not until several hours later that Carol had calmed down enough to go to sleep.

Which division of Carol's nervous system gave her the 'get up and go' to knock the guy out?

Which division of Carol's nervous system helped her body calm down?

Sympathetic & Parasympathetic


Cleanup of neurotransmitters that did not make it to the dendrite of a neuron.

Reuptake Period


It was very dark as Carol walked home from the library. She was thinking about tomorrow's test when she heard heavy breathing and then felt a strong hand on her shoulder. She turned and stared into the terrifying eyes of a huge man holding a chainsaw. Without thinking, she swung her book bag with all her might, hit the enormous man in his stomach, knocked out his breath, and saw him double over. Carol ran home faster than she had ever run before. Her roommate couldn't believe that 5- feet- 1, 98- pound Carol had the strength to knock out the man's breath and speed on home. When Carol first got home, her heart was pounding, her breathing was rapid, her nerves were on edge, she was sweating, and her mouth was dry. It was not until several hours later that Carol had calmed down enough to go to sleep.

What part of the brain gave Carol the 'get up and go' to knock the man out?


Patients who have a split brain have trouble speaking what they see in their left-hand field of view.

Why is this?

Right hemisphere receives information from their left field of view, and the broca's area, which is involved in the production of speech, is located in the left hemisphere.