Understanding Personal Narratives
Writing Techniques and Creativity
The Prince of Los Cocuyos – “The First Real San Giving Day”
Hello, My Name Is
A View of the Earth

What is the definition of a personal narrative?

A personal narrative is a story about a personal experience, told from the author’s perspective, usually in the first person.


How do metaphors and similes add depth to personal narratives?

Metaphors and similes create vivid comparisons that help readers better understand or imagine what the writer is describing. For example, “Her smile was as bright as the sun” helps readers picture a very warm and happy smile.


What holiday does the narrator want to celebrate like an American?



What name did the author’s parents choose for her and why?

Jennifer, because it was popular in the 1970s and means “the fair one.”


What movie inspired Michael Massimino to pursue his childhood dream of becoming an astronaut?

The movie The Right Stuff.


Can you name three characteristics of a personal narrative?

First person point of view, true events, and focus on personal experiences and emotions.


Give an example of a strong verb you could use instead of “walk.”

Instead of “walk,” you could use “stroll,” “march,” “sprint,” or “tiptoe,” depending on the action you want to describe.


Why does the narrator have trouble convincing his grandmother about the holiday?

His grandmother, Abuela, does not understand the American tradition of Thanksgiving and is used to celebrating with Cuban traditions.


What challenge does the author face with her name growing up in Connecticut?

She feels incomplete because she doesn’t have a middle name, unlike most of her peers.


What two things struck Michael Massimino the most when watching The Right Stuff?

The beautiful view of Earth from space and the camaraderie between the astronauts.


How is a personal narrative different from a biography?

A personal narrative is written by the person who experienced the events, while a biography is written by someone else about another person’s life.


Why is it important to include sensory details in a personal narrative?

Sensory details (sight, sound, smell, taste, touch) make a story more vivid and real by helping the reader experience the events as if they were there.


What compromise does Abuela make about Thanksgiving dinner?

Abuela agrees to have a turkey but insists on also making pork, a Cuban dish.


Why does the author briefly change her middle name in seventh grade?

She changes her name to Jennifer Elizabeth Lou because she wanted a name that made her feel more white and accepted.


What was the name of the instrument Michael Massimino and his team were repairing on the Hubble Space Telescope?

They were repairing a spectrograph that was used to detect atmospheres on far-off planets.


Why is it important for a personal narrative to be written in the first person?

Writing in the first person makes the story feel more personal and allows the writer to share their own thoughts and feelings.


How can personification make your writing more engaging?

Personification gives human qualities to non-human objects, making the description more imaginative and lively. For example, “The wind whispered through the trees.”


How does the narrator try to learn more about a traditional American Thanksgiving dinner?

He asks his teacher and classmates about traditional Thanksgiving foods like stuffing, yams, and pumpkin pie.


What is significant about the author’s Chinese name and its meaning?

Her Chinese name, Lù Wǎn Yú, means "land of gentle jade," and it reflects traditional values from her Taiwanese heritage, such as virtues like compassion and courage.


Why was the repair to the spectrograph so difficult?

The spectrograph was sealed with an access panel containing 117 screws, all glued down to withstand spaceflight, making it extremely challenging to access and repair.


How do personal experiences help shape a personal narrative?

Personal experiences provide unique content, emotions, and insights, making the narrative authentic and relatable to readers.


How does rewriting a personal narrative with better word choice change its overall impact?

Using more precise and vivid words can make a narrative more powerful, clear, and emotionally engaging for readers. For example, changing “I was happy” to “I was overjoyed” adds intensity to the emotion.


What cultural differences does the narrator observe between Cuban and American Thanksgiving traditions?

The narrator notices differences in food, like turkey versus pork, and how Cuban culture celebrates with additional items like black beans and Cuban bread, blending both traditions.


How does the author’s relationship with her name evolve by the end of the narrative?

She learns to appreciate both her English and Chinese names, understanding the uniqueness they represent and embracing her dual identity.


How did Michael Massimino feel about leaving the airlock and walking along the side of the space shuttle?

He was very concerned, as there were no good handrails, and he feared losing control and floating off into space despite being tethered.