Robert A Dahl's definition of power states.......
A causing (or having the ability to cause) B to do something that B otherwise would not do.
Hobbes and Rousseau concept which says that states gain their legitimacy through the citizens?
(Hint: Not Hobbesian)
Social Contract
The precursor to the UN is __________.It was developed by the country of _____________.
League of Nations
What are the 3 necessary components for an effective social movement?
leadership, resources, organization
The instrumental use of violence by people who identify themselves as members of a group against another group or set of individuals, in order to achieve political, economic or social objectives is called what?
Collective violence
Power theorist who is primarily concerned with acquiring AND maintaining that power
Niccolo Machiavelli
Name that definition: Power that is delegated formally. It includes a right to command a situation, commit resources, give orders and expect them to be obeyed, it is always accompanied by an equal responsibility for one's actions or a failure to act.
Name 3 subsidiary organs of the UN
Could be any, so long as they are within the UN system
What is the difference between a reform movement and a resistance movement?
Reform wants to change some aspect of society
Resistance is resisting an action or policy of the govenent
What are the 3 different types of Soft Power
Diplomacy, Persuasion, Propaganda
Economic power and military power are these forms of power
Hard Power
A relatively homogenous group of people within a territory which hold similar values, history, and ideologies.
These organizations exist to fulfill a perceived gap in society.
Provide an example
The theory that states that since we feel like we aren't receiving what we CAN get people are more likely to join a social movement.
Relative deprivation theory
The 3 forms of Legitimacy that we studied
Traditional, Legal-rational, Charismatic
Name of the treaty that:
1. Establishes the ICC
2. We commonly refer to as supporting the concept of Post-Westphalian state sovereignty
Rome Statutes
We discussed ways in which states attempt to legitimize their own power. Provide one example/talking point from each of the categories:
Use of government action
Negative political actions
Status- Using fear, natural leadership, popular support, hereditary succession, elections
Use of government action- Leaders wishes, ideologies, religion, nationalism, patriotism, social acceptability
Negative political actions- Creation of an enemy, name-calling, vilification of opponents, cover-ups, misinformation
Name ALL principle organs of the UN
General Assembly, ECOSOC, Trusteeship Council, ICJ, Security Council, Secretariat
The relative anonymity of social movements supports this theory...
Mass society theory
Name all 6 Levels of Analysis
Global, International, Regional, National, Local, Community
The political theorist who first coined the term "Soft Power"
Joseph Nye
The Montevideo convention clarifies the modern interpretation of statehood. Name 3 out of the 4 identified needs to determine statehood.
1. Defined territory
2. Permanent population
3. Effective government
4. The capacity to enter into relations with another state
The UN has, at times been called ineffective. Justify this argument. The most justified argument receives the points.
Draw a timeline of the Ukrainian conflict. The most detailed one created in 5 minutes will get the points.
Geoffrey Blainey