Slowing down for 30 minutes to observe and practice art weekly.
What is the purpose of the weekly sketch?
The old stone age in which gathering and hunting was a focus of the culture.
What is Paleolithic?
What is the abbreviations for circa?
The Minotaur's Labyrinth
What myth is connected to the palace of Knossos?
The architectural design using heavy walls of the Mycenaean palaces.
What is defensive?
Tool used to help replicate and resize images.
What is grid drawing?
The new stone age in which the culture started farming and having community living.
What is Neolithic?
Artifact that revolutionized Egyptology.
What is the Rosetta Stone?
The island of Crete.
What is the location of the Minoans?
A method of stone construction, named after the mystical cyclopes, using massive, irregular blocks without mortar.
What is Cyclopean Masonry?
"After all the people are gone, what is left behind are the artifacts and their art and music and any visual form of a written language." Dr. Parker Nunley
What is culture?
The Neolithic art comprised of large stones in the post-and-lintel style.
What is Stone Henge?
A rectangular brick or stone structure with sloping sides erected over an underground burial chamber.
Made of terracotta to distribute water and waste in the Knossos palace.
What is plumbing?
The single entrance into a palace decorated with two lions and a column.
What is Lion Gate?
Line, Shape, Color, Texture, Perspective, Form, Subject, Value
What are the Elements of Art?
Tool used in art to show the importance of a character.
Why is he larger?
The ceremonial beard and the cobra headdress.
What is missing from the Great Sphinx?
What is Ashlar Masonry?
What is the central gathering place of the Mycenaeans?
The two painters who painted Pont Neuf.
What did Renoir and Monet both paint?
Fertility and life bearing statues.
Why women?
The worship of many gods
What is Polytheism?
The first piece of art to represent muscles and skeletons in the body.
Treasury of Atreus
What is the largest dome in the pre-Roman world?