Email Etiquette

Quizlet Vocabulary terms

Plagiarism/ Credible Sources

Employability Skills

What is an example of an greeting?

 "hello," or time-related greetings like "good morning" or "good evening."


What does bias mean?

prejudice in favor of or against one thing, person, or group compared with another, usually in a way considered to be unfair


What does plagiarism mean?

the practice of taking someone else's work or ideas and passing them off as one's own.


 Define Employability Skills

Employability skills are the qualities that make a person suitable for employment.


What are the 5 parts of an email?

1. Subject

2. Greeting

3. Message

4. Closing

5. Signature 


What does secondary source mean?    

Secondary source are like journal's, article, and newspaper.


What does credible source mean?

A credible source is one that is written by someone who is an expert in their discipline and is free of errors and bias.


Why is  Employability Skills important?

These skills are necessary for success in the workplace. It is important for middle school to learn employability skills because they are laying the foundation of their future careers. Understanding the importance of these skills and developing them early.


What should you not do while writing an email? 

  1. Writing a poor subject line
  2. Not personalizing your greeting
  3. Announcing too much in one message
  4. Employing ambiguous language
  5. Copy and pasting

What is attribution ?

the action of regarding something as being caused by a person or thing.


What are the consequences of plagiarism in school?

Depends on your teacher


Create a real work example of an employee improperly using technology

Ava, an administrative assistant, frequently uses her personal email account to send work-related messages. She did not realize that by doing so, she was putting confidential company information at risk of being intercepted by authorized parties. In addition,her actions violated the company email policy and put her in non-compliance with data privacy regulation.


Give an example of writing a email to your teacher.

Dear Mr. Hisle,

I was wondering if you were available to help me with section three of the math packet. I'm available on Friday after school if that works for you.

Thank you,

Emma Shafer   


What is the difference between primary source and secondary source?

Secondary source are like journal's, article, and newspaper. And secondary source are one that was created later by someone who did not experience first-hand or participate in the events or conditions you're researching. 


What is the difference between plagiarism and credible sources?

A credible source is one that is written by someone who is an expert in their discipline and is free of errors and bias. Plagiarism is the practice of taking someone else's work or ideas and passing them off as one's own.


 What is considered the most important skill to display in the workplace? 

The most important skill to display in the workplace is good communication. Communication means talking and listening well with others, both in person and through writing.