about 70% of information comes from _______________________________.
What is non-manual markers (signals)?
What is the sign for CLASS?
Fingerspell your name
Your name
What does ASL mean?
American Sign Language
Can all Deaf people talk, hear or lip-read?
No. This is why we should not assume or expect it from them. Ask them their preferred way of communication before going forward with the conversation. It could be gesture, fingerspelling, writing back and forth, speaking/lip-reading, or using an interpreter if available.
_____________ is the shape you make with your hand when you are signing in ASL.
What is Handshape?
I don't understand
Fingerspell the word - PIZZA
What are the five parameters?
1. Handshape
2. Palm Orientation
3. Movement
4. Location
5. Non-manual signals
In Deaf Culture, you must maintain ________________. It is considered rude if you do not.
Eye contact
________________ refers to the direction in which the palm of the hand is facing when making a sign.
What is Palm Orientation?
What is the sign for SLOW?
Fingerspell the word - QUIZ
What is sign space?
Signing space in sign language is the area where most signing occurs, extending from the top of the signer's head to their waist vertically and from elbow to elbow horizontally
You can communicate with a Deaf person by _________________, _____________________, ________________, and __________________.
Fingerspelling, ASL, Gesture, and Paper & pen.
_________ refers to the way the hands and arms move while signing. It can convey different meanings, emotions, and tone in language.
What is movement?
What is the sign for HELP?
Fingerspell the word - MS. RIVERA
Pointing in signed language using the index finger to indicate objects or people is a common and polite practice.
It is not considered rude when you _________________________________.
Point at a person, thing, or location.
The ___________ movement of the sign is frequently used to demonstrate the subject, object, or location of the sign.
What is location?
What is the sign for OFFICE?
Fingerspell the word - Washington Warriors
Washington Warriors
A movement or position of the hand and arm that is expressive of an idea or emotion
How do you get a deaf person's attention?
1. Wave
2. Tap gently
3. Flick the lights
4. Bang on the table or stomp the floor