Hypotheses and Testable Questions
The Entire Process
This is the best way to write a hypothesis.
What is an "If..then.." statement.
If students sleep at least 8 hours a night, then they will score above an 80% on their biology test. What is the independent variable?
Amount of sleep
This type of graph compares categories.
What is a bar graph?
This is the first step in the scientific process.
What is Ask a Question?
What is the difference between an observation and an inference?
Observations are always true because you are using your senses. An inference uses your prior knowledge to make a guess or to help explain the observation.
What soda is better: coke or pepsi? Is this a testable question? Explain why or why not.
No because it is an opinion. Not one answer.
If students sleep at least 8 hours a night, then they will score above an 80% on their biology test. What is the dependent variable?
What is the score on the biology test.
This type of graph shows change over time.
What is a line graph?
You must do this before drawing conclusions.
What is Analyze Data!
Is this an observation or inference: "The temperature in the room is 70 degrees"
What is an observation.
Write a hypothesis for the following testable question: Does taking a vitamin everyday decrease the number of days you miss school from being sick?
If students take vitamins everyday, then they will miss less school from being sick.
A scientist was testing the effects of Aspirin on mice heart rates. The mice were split into three groups. Per day, Group A received no Aspirin, Group B received 10 mg of Aspirin and Group C received 20 mg of Aspirin. Their heart rates were measured an hour later. What should be kept constant?
What is the type of the mouse, the size of the mouse, the dosage of medicine.
This variable always goes on the Y-axis?
What is the dependent variable (what you are measuring)?
How do scientists come up with their testable questions?
They first make observations and inferences about the world around them.
The girl is crying because she got suspended. Inference or observation?
What is an inference.