Point of View
Plot Stages
Reading Strategies

In Mirror Image (paragraph 53) Alice tried hard to swallow, tried hard not to let her face show any reaction to the cake, but the taste of the mocha forced her mouth into a grimace.

What does grimace mean?

What is a frown or facial expression usually of pain, disgust, or disapproval?


In Mirror Image, how do Mr. and Mrs. Jarred’s reactions to the situation differ?

A. Mrs. Jarred is less interested in seeing Alice.

B. Mrs. Jarred is more upset about the situation.

C. Mr. Jarred is happier that Gail’s body is being used.

D. Mr. Jarred is more interested in moving on from Gail.

What is B


To which column does each plot point from the story belong? Write the letter of the plot
point below the stage of the narrative in which it occurs.

Exposition     Rising Action     Climax       Resolution

a. Alice meets Mr. Jarred and they talk.

b. Mrs. Jarred is interviewed on TV about Gail.

c.  Alice learns to walk and speak again.

d.  Mr. Jarred acknowledges Alice is not his daughter.

Exposition - C

Rising Action - B

Climax - A

Resolution - D


What strategy is used in Mirror Image to help develop the plot when Alice remembers past experiences?

What is flashback?


“We’ll get through this,” she said, “the human mind is incredibly adaptable.”

The suffix -able means “inclined or given to a specified state or action.” What does the word adaptable mean in this sentence?

A. Inclined to change the way one thinks about things

B. Inclined to adjust to new circumstances

C. Given to making improvements

D. Given to making a change

What is A


Read the glossary entry below.

scurry \skûr´ē\ v 1. to hurry along with light footsteps

Which part of speech is given for the word scurry in this definition?

A. Noun

B. Verb

C. Adverb

D. Adjective

What is a verb?


Which quotation from the story best shows the kind of folktale character Goha is?

A. “I’ll win this argument even if it means my very life!” (paragraph 15)

B.  But in the next moment, he clutched at his chest, gasping, “My heart, oh, my heart . . .”
(paragraph 17)

C.  With that, Goha fell to the floor and pretended to be dead. (paragraph 18)

D.  His wife at first thought this must surely be another of her husband’s tricks. (paragraph 18)

What is D? His wife at first thought this must surely be another of her husband’s tricks. 


Which lesson does the folktale, Two Legs or One teach?

A. Always tell the truth, or there might be a big price to pay.

B. People who tell even small lies should be prepared to face consequences.

C. Some people will try to win an argument at any cost.

D. Never lie to your spouse unless you are ready for a big fight.

What is C?  Some people will try to win an argument at any cost.


The lack of details about the story’s setting helps readers to —

A. compare the setting to the plot and theme

B. focus on the words and actions of the characters

C. read to the end of the story more quickly

D. understand how bare the house is

What is focus on the words and actions of the characters


Read this sentence about the selection.

To prove he is right Goha fakes his death.

What is the correct way to write this sentence?

A. To prove he is right, Goha fakes his death.

B. To prove he is right Goha fakes, his death.

C. To prove, he is right Goha fakes his death.

D. No change should be made.

What is A?  To prove he is right, Goha fakes his death.


“Eldorado” suggests that the knight is —

A. courageous

B.  determined

C.  optimistic

D.  romantic

What is optimistic


In line 2 of “The Song of Wandering Aengus,” the poet uses the phrase a fire was in my head to suggest that the speaker is—

A. dreaming of a fire in the woods

B. planning to catch dinner

C. thinking of many things

D. searching for a fire in the woods

What is C


Throughout “Eldorado,” the poet repeatedly rhymes shadow with Eldorado to
demonstrate that —

A.  Eldorado is something that is hard to locate, like a shadow

B.  Eldorado is a place that is associated with darkness, like a shadow

C.  Eldorado is a feeling that is being depicted as a dark shadow

D.  Eldorado is something bright in contrast to a dark shadow

What is D


“The Song of Wandering Aengus,” (line 5) And when white moths were on the wing,

What type of figurative language is used in this line?  Why is it used?

A. It adds a sense of urgency.

B.  It gives the words a lyrical quality.

C.  It emphasizes the color of the moths.

D.  It predicts what will happen to the moths.

What is alliteration?

It gives a lyrical quality.


“When you’re in court, you sit there and you pay attention.”

What is the subordinating conjunction in this sentence? What is its function?

Subordinating conjunctions provide transitions between ideas to show place, time, cause-effect relationships, or conditional relationships. 

Tells you when you are court...


What does suppress mean?

To hide or not share information or something


Which statement can be inferred about Steve based on details from the screenplay?

 A. He’s creative.

 B. He’s innocent.

 C. He’s inquisitive.

 D. He’s underweight.



What purpose do these two direction lines in paragraphs 17–18 serve in
the screenplay?

FADE OUT as last prisoner from the van enters rear of courthouse.

FADE IN: INTERIOR COURTHOUSE. We are in a small room used for prisoner-lawyer interviews. A guard sits at a desk behind STEVE.

 A. They suggest that Steve will be found guilty.

 B.  They suggest that all the prisoners are going on trial.

 C.  They indicate that there is a change of perspective.

 D.  They indicate that the rest of the story will take place in the courthouse.

It indicates a change in perspective.


Why does the author of Monster decide to use a narrator in a screenplay?

Narrator provides the perspectives of several characters.


Why is the setting important to the screenplay?

A.  It describes the camera’s movement.

B.  It explains that the story is set in Manhattan.

C.  It establishes that the story is about crime.

 D. It informs the audience about the time of day.

The setting at the beginning of the screenplay lets you know that the story is about crime.


What is a stenographer?

Court worker that records or documents what happens during the court case


In Monster, what point of view does the writer use during the Exposition? 

first person - Steve


What is the exposition, rising Action, climax, and resolution of Monster

Exposition - introduces Steve and explains that he is in the detention center

Rising Action- explains that he does not know how to deal with being arrested and he decides to 

see his life as a screenplay

Climax - Steve goes to court

Resolution - the lawyer explains the severity of the case and possible outcomes


Paragraphs 1–4 of the screenplay appear to be handwritten by the narrator. How does this handwritten introduction affect the reader’s understanding of the other characters?

A. It helps readers understand that the other characters think the narrator is guilty.

B. It encourages readers to believe that the other characters are just as scared as
the narrator.

 C. It convinces readers that their view of the characters will be different from the
narrator’s view.

 D. It helps readers understand that their view of the other characters is affected by the narrator’s state of mind.

D. It helps readers understand that their view of the other characters is affected by the narrator’s state of mind


Most people in our community are decent, hardworking citizens who pursue their own interests legally and without infringing on the rights of others.

The word infringing comes from the Latin word infringere, meaning “to weaken.” What does infringing on mean as it is used in this sentence?

 A. Worsening

 B. Loosening

 C. Violating

 D. Stealing