Bring Out 'Yer Dead! (Late Medieval Europe and New Monarchies)
Bill Shakespeare and the Northern Renaissance Bunch
Leaning Tower of Pizza (Italian Renaissance)
Exploration and Conquest
Commerce and the Slave Trade

Name given to the major outbreak of bubonic plague that devastated Europe between the 1340s - 1350s

What is the Black Death?


This invention helped spread both religious ideas and Renaissance trends rapidly across Europe in the late 15th - early 16th century

What was the printing press?

The so-called "Father" of the Humanist movement, who often wrote letters to Roman intellectuals like Livy and Cicero bemoaning the state of affairs in 14th-century Italy

Who was Francesco Petrarch?


The three Gs often associated with European motivations for exploration, conquest, and colonization in the early modern period

What are gold, glory, and god?


Demographic shift that led most directly to the increase in Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade 

What is the Great Dying?


Important military innovation that allowed England to dominate many battles, including Agincourt, during the Hundred Years' War

What is the longbow? 


Author of Utopia, and King Henry VIII's Lord Chancellor before the start of the English Reformation

Who is Thomas More?


The academic subjects which, from the Roman and Humanist perspective, made up the Studia Humanitatis

What are grammar, ethics, history, rhetoric, and poetry?


This explorer's crew was the first to circumnavigate the entire globe

Who is Ferdinand Magellan?

Name of the condition many poor Europeans entered in order to afford passage across the Atlantic

What is indentured servitude?


Name of two families who fought for power in England during the War of the Roses between the 1450s - 1480s.

Who are the Lancasters and the Yorkists?


This German Renaissance artist was renowned for his self-portrait, which implicitly drew comparisons to Jesus

Who is Albrecht Durer?


Author of The Prince, a guide to the Medici and other powerful political rulers in the 16th century

Who is Niccolo Machiavelli?


La Noche Triste occurred in 1520, as Spanish soldiers attempted to escape being besieged from this Aztec capital

What is Tenochtitlan? 

Approximate number of Africans who were sent across the Atlantic during the slave trade period, between the 16th and 19th centuries

What is 12 million?

Title of the Russian noblemen who were largely brought under the control of the monarch during the reign of Ivan IV (the Terrible)

What are boyars?


Henry V, Richard III, and Julius Caesar were all examples of this genre of playwrighting that William Shakespeare mastered during the Elizabethan Golden Age in England

What are history plays?

The name of a stylistic choice made by Renaissance sculptors that attempted to highlight natural, human body language in their works

What is contrapposto?


Name of the first permanent English settlement founded in North America

What is Jamestown


Name of the inventor of double-entry bookkeeping or accounting

Who is Luca Pacioli? 


Name of the itinerant preacher who questioned the social order in late Medieval England - "When Adam delved and Eve span, who then was the gentleman?"

Who is John Ball?


Leading Dutch Christian humanist, who advocated for expanded education and Church reforms, but remained staunchly Catholic 

Who is Erasmus?


Name of the influential Italian Renaissance artist who founded a workshop to train apprentices, and produced pieces such as The School of Athens

Who is Raphael?


Name of the 1494 treaty that divided the world between the Spanish and Portuguese crowns

What is the Treaty of Tordesillas?


The type of commercial enterprises authorized by European monarchs/political leaders to engage in overseas trade and colonization in the early 17th century

What are joint-stock companies?

(Also accepted: What are chartered companies?)