Review 1
Review 2
Review 3
Review 4
Review 5

What is Central Idea?

the most important point in a text. Sometimes the writer directly states the central idea of a text. More often, the central idea is unstated or implied.


What is Character's Perspective?

how he or she views events based on his or her experiences and emotions


What is Symbolism?

using a symbol (anything-an object, person, animal, place, or situation- that represents something else) in writing


What is a Possessive Pronoun?

a noun that shows ownership


What is a Common Noun?

names a person, place, thing, or idea


What is an Inference?

educated guess


What are Weighted Words?

 words that have strong emotional associations beyond their basic meanings


What does the suffix -ity mean?

the state, quality, or condition of.


What is a Dependent Clause?

a group of words that has both a subject and a verb but it cannot stand alone as a complete sentence


What is a Proper Noun?

names a specific person, place, or thing


What is First Person Point of View?

the narrator is a character who participates in the action and uses first-person pronouns such as I and me to refer to himself or herself


What is Direct Characterization?

The writer directly describes a person’s character traits


What does the suffix -ment mean?

the result of an action


What is an Independent Clause?

a group of words that has both a subject and a verb and it can stand by itself as a sentence


What are Coordinating Adjectives?

two or more adjectives that modify the same noun and are separated by a coma.


What is Third Person Point of View?

the narrator is not a character in the story. The narrator uses third-person pronouns such as he and she to refer to the characters


What is Indirect Characterization?

The writer reveals a person’s traits through the person’s own words and actions and from the words and actions of other people. Readers must make inferences to determine character traits from indirect characterization


What does Denotation mean?

the literal dictionary definition


What is a Coordinating Conjunction?

connects words, phrases, and clauses of equal importance


What is an Adverb?

a word that modifies or describes a verb, adjective, or another adverb. These words provide information by answering the question How? When? Where? How often? or To what extent? Many adverbs end in the suffix -ly


What is Character Traits?

the individual qualities that make each character unique. You can identify character traits by making inferences about the character based on how he or she thinks, acts, and speaks


What is Stanza?

poetry paragraphs


What does Connotation mean?

an association or feeling that a word suggests in addition to its literal dictionary definition


What is a Subordinating Conjunction?

connects a less important clause to a more important clause


Mississippi is an example of which type of noun?

proper noun