Compare & Contrast
Auxiliary verbs, tenses
Suffixes, first impressions
Conversation, paraphrasing

What is an inference?

When you draw conclusions about information that is not clearly stated by using information you already know. 


What is comparing and contrasting?

When you look at the similarities and differences between two things. 


What are do, be, and have called?

Auxiliary verbs


What are first impressions?

These are ideas we form about people the first time we meet them.


Why should people take conversational turns?

So that everyone has a chance to both speak and listen. 


When do you make inferences?

When you don't necessarily have the answer. You can use context to help you. 


When do you compare and contrast?

Often times, to figure out which of the two options is better over all. 


When do you use do, be, and have?

Be for simple present and simple past, be with present and past continuous, and have with present perfect. 


What is a suffix?

Something you add to the end of a word to slightly change the meaning. 


Please list at least two questions you can use when taking conversational turns. 

What do you think? Do you agree? How about you? You know?


What can you infer about the character: Joseph is a hard worker. He grew up being told to establish a good work ethic. Joseph excelled in school, and he is nervous to start interviews for jobs soon. 

Joseph was taught to try hard by his parents. Joseph was a good student. Joseph is humble. 


What are questions you can ask yourself with comparing and contrasting?

Comparing: How are these things the same?

Contrast: How are these things different? 


Please identify at least 3 auxiliary verb contractions in the following paragraph: He's eating right now. Mack's already left the party. Why'd you decide to stay?

He's, Mack's, Why'd


Are first impressions positive or negative? Give examples. 

They can be positive or negative. For example, if you see a well dressed man, you could assume he's clean and has money. Or if you see someone wearing shorts and a tank top in public, this person could be assumed to wear casual clothes usually.


What is paraphrasing?

This is when you summarize a quote in your own words while still citing the original source.


What are at least three ways making inferences can help you?

To figure out the meaning of an unknown word. To understand a story better. To read beyond the text. To think about what may happen later. 


When should you not compare and contrast? 

When two things are completely unrelated or when the answer is obvious. 


Please write an auxiliary verb in an example sentence in both simple present and present continuous. 

Examples: Does your brother like ice cream? Is your friending driving now?


Please add suffixes to the following words: Particular, depend, tradition, amuse. 

Particularly, dependent, traditional, amusement. 


What can you ask a speaker if you don't understand?

Could you explain this more? What did you mean by this? So basically, are you saying this? 


Which of the following is a good inference: I really enjoy riding my bike. It helped me get in shape. I used to bike very slowly but now I am fast. 

(Pick at least 1, and more if needed)

a. The narrator rode the bike to lose weight.

b. The biker wanted to get into physical shape. 

c. The narrator stole his bike from an enemy.

d. The biker broke his bike a few times. 

a & b


What is the name of the thing you can compare and contrast with?

Venn diagram 

Please explain the difference between simple present and present continuous. 

Simple present is a routine or something open regularly does. Present continuous is an ongoing activity that began in the past and continues now. 


Which of the following are word types you can use with suffixes: nouns, verbs, adjectives, and adverbs?

All of the above!


What are important things that people make first impressions about in conversation?

Politeness, clothing, hairstyle, listening skills, likes and dislikes, ect.