What are the ways of knowing? Give 3 examples 

Personal Experience, Observations and Authority


What is an operational definition

specific steps taken to measure a variable in research

What is a correlational co-effienct

A statistic summarizing the relationship found in a correlational study


What are the 3 steps of the scientific attuitude? 

Curiosity, skepticism, Humility


which correlation co-effienct is weaker? 

   -75 or 45



Define a sample

Group of individuals used to perform a research


An experimental study shows ____

What causes what


What is replication?

When scientists find similar results in different studies. (Increases trust of a finding)


Which of the following statements is an example of a positive correlation?

A. The more hours you study, the better your performance on your exam.

B. There is no known relationship between reading and alcoholism.

C. The more hours in a day you stay awake, the less hours you spend asleep.

D. None of the statements is an example of a positive correlation.

A. The more hours you study, the better your performance on your exam.


Which of the following examples describes a negative correlation?

A. Researchers found that the more television you watch, the more you weigh.

B. Researchers did not find any relationship between eating and the number of books you read.

C. None of the options show a negative correlation.

D. The higher your education, the less likely you are to express anger.

D. The higher your education, the less likely you are to express anger.


What is a case study?

Case study involves analysis of one individual


Correlational study can NOT tell what ____

Causes what


Define independent variable 

variable that the researcher manipulates (cause)


Which correlation co-efficient is stronger? 

    -140 or 94



What are the issues found in personal experience? 

Biased and over generalization 


Psychology assumes ___________ provides the most accurate knowledge about what is generally true about behavior 

The scientific method 


what is a correlational study

Observes relationships between two variables (or more) without the researcher controlling or manipulating any of them.


Correlational co-effienct provides info about the _____ and the ____ of the study

Direction and strength


To find the effect of fast food on blood pressure 50 middle aged men where assigned to consume fast food whilst another 50 middle aged men where told not to.

What type of study is this? If experimental study what is the IV and DV and if correlational study is it a positive correlation or negative? 

Experimental study 

IV=consumption of fast food 

DV-Blood pressure 


A researcher wants to determine if the color of an office has any effect on worker productivity. One group of workers performs a task in a yellow room while another performs the same task in a blue room.

What type of study is this? If experimental study what is the IV and DV and if correlational study is it a positive correlation or negative?

Experimental study

IV- Color of the office 

DV- Worker productivity 


What is the disadvantage of a case study?

Often does not generalize to a broad group


What is an experimental study 

A study that manipulates one variable to see its effect on another 


Define dependent variable 

Outcome variable measured afterward (Effect)


The relationship between student absences and overall grades is of particular interest to researchers. The researchers examine 100 student records before looking at the students' grades. Researchers discovered that students with the most absences have significantly lower grades than those with few absences. 

What type of study is this? If experimental study what is the IV and DV and if correlational study is it a positive correlation or negative?

Correlational study 

Negative correlation because the more absences the student has the lower the grade


A business wants to determine if giving employees more control over how to do their work leads to increased job satisfaction. One group of workers is given a great deal of input in how they perform their work, while the other group is not.

What type of study is this? If experimental study what is the IV and DV and if correlational study is it a positive correlation or negative?

Experimental Study 

IV-amount of input the workers have over their work 

DV- Increased Job satisfaction