The Tools of Science
Newton's Laws and Forces
Work, Power, Energy
Been Payin' Attention?

This is the SI Unit for distance or displacement

What is the meter


The variable that describes an objects change in position with respect to time is known as this.

What is velocity


"The change of motion of an object is proportional to the force impressed; and is made in the direction of the straight line in which the force is impressed" describes this law

What is Newton's Second Law


When you are examining how much work was done per unit time, you are looking for this variable.

What is Power.


Mr. H previously taught outside of which US City?

What is Louisville, KY


This is the number of grams in 12 kilograms

What is 12,000


When looking at a graph of velocity with respect to time, this variable is the slope of the line.

What is acceleration


If you were to take the product of an object's mass and the acceleration of gravity where it was located, you would have calculated this.

What is the object's weight (or Fg)


This is the equation for work performed on an object. Don't forget we can do work at an angle.

What is W=Fd cos(theta)


The semester 1 final is this percent of the overall semester grade.

What is 15%


Dependent or independent, it is the variable put on the Y-axis of a graph

What is dependent 


An object that starts at rest and reaches a velocity of 25 m/s in 10 seconds has this acceleration

What is 2.5 m/s/s

The force that opposes motion due to direct contact between two surfaces rubbing together is known as this.

What is Friction?


Should an object slide down a tall hill, all of it's stored energy becomes this as a coincidence of gravity pulling it towards the ground.

What is Kinetic Energy


On the Daily Agenda, this is the section that is second from the bottom.

What is Additional Resources


The number 130940000 in scientific notation

What is 1.3094x10^8


This is the equation for calculating a falling object's velocity if you know it's acceleration and time in freefall

What is Vy=gt


This is the mass of the object shown in the picture:

What is 3 kg


Assuming no friction, this is the maximum height a skateboarder dropping into a 6 foot half-pipe can reach

What is 6 feet?

At the beginning of class Mr. H frequently forgets to show this humorous item

What is the meme of the day


This is the correct value, with correct significant figures, of 42.84 + 19.872

What is 62.71


If trying to catch a horizontal projectile thrown from 15 meters up and a horizontal velocity of 3 m/s, this is where you should stand (or the range of the projectile).

5.25 meters


An object on a concrete surface weighing 200N with a static coefficient of friction of 0.5 would provide this amount of a friction max.

What is 100 N


When sliding across a slip and slide, a 30 kg child slows from 2.5 m/s to 1 m/s. This is how much work was done by the slip and slide during the slowdown.

What is 78.75 J


This website provides the online text that Mr. H has sometimes assigned readings from

What is