ELA.R.2.1-how text structures contribute to overall meaning
ELA.R.2.2 how relevant details support the central idea (implied or explicit)
ELA.R.2.4 development of argument (claim & evidence)
ELA.5.R.3.2/b Summarize a text to enhance comprehension w/ relevant details
ELA.5.R.2.3 Analyze author's purpose/perspective in an informational text.
Open Court

Identify the text structure. Provide evidence from the text.

Compare & Contrast

answers can vary-facts about frogs v facts about fish


In nonfiction, authors use these to provide more detailed support for the main idea, often organized using different structures.

Supporting Details


An argument can also be called 

A claim 


To create a good summary, you should focus on this part of the text that tells what the entire passage is mostly about.

Main idea


What are the types of author's purpose? 





List all the spellings of long E

e, ee, ea, ey, y

According to the following definition, what is the type of text structure? 

Information is presented in sections that often begin with a central idea followed by details/enhanced characteristics. 



The purpose of supporting details is to___

Have evidence for the author's claim


Identify the main parts of plot

beginning, rising action, climax, falling action, resolution 

When summarizing the text you should include how many supporting details?

At least three from the text


Some informational texts have more than one purpose. A science article that gives facts but also encourages readers to protect the environment has these two purposes. 

Inform and Persuade.


Where do you find the prefix of a word? 

In the beginning 


Identify the text structure

An author addresses the diminishing panther population by explaining the reasons for the decline, and offering suggestions for improving the species' survival rate. 

Problem & Solution


In this paragraph, which sentence does not support the main idea? 

Men's gymnastics has six different events. 


Which sentence from When Stars Explode indicates the author's claim 

(1) A supernova is the spectacular death of a star. (2) The last time people saw a supernova in our galaxy was 1604. (3) That was before astronomers were using telescopes. (4) However, every year astronomers see supernova exploding in other galaxies. (5) Astronomers can often observe such supernovae for months before they fade from view.

(6) Most supernovae- that's the plural of supernova and pronounced SOO-per-Noo-vee- come from massive stars.(7) Antares is a massive star. (8) Such a star is born with more than either time the mass of the Sun. 

(5) Astronomers can often observe such supernovae for months before they fade from view.

What is the purpose of summarizing the text? 

 to enhance understanding and identify the authors purpose. 


You can often figure out the author’s purpose by looking at this part of the text, which usually introduces the topic and why it’s important.



Identify the prefix and define it in the following word: 


Dis-to not put into place or to pull out of place 


Describe the differences between chronological order and sequence. 

Provide an example for both. 

Chronological has facts, events or details as they happened. 

Ex- Timeline

Sequence is a series of instructions or a process

Ex-how to make cookies


Define main idea and where do you TYPICALLY find it?

The main idea is what the text is mostly about and it can MOSTLY be found in the first paragraph. 


A statement that can be proven true or false is called this, often used as strong evidence.

A fact


What is the author's purpose in the following paragraph. 

Sharks are amazing creatures that have been around for millions of years. They live in oceans all over the world and come in many different sizes, from the small dwarf lantern shark to the huge whale shark. Sharks have sharp teeth and powerful jaws, which help them catch food like fish and seals. Even though some people are scared of sharks, most species are not dangerous to humans. Sharks are important for keeping the ocean’s ecosystem balanced by controlling fish populations. Unfortunately, many sharks are now endangered because of overfishing and habitat destruction.

inform readers about sharks by providing facts about their characteristics, behavior, and importance to the ecosystem.


Read the following writing prompt.

Think about a book that you read that affected your life. Write a letter to the author explaining why the book is so important to you. 

Which underlined section best identifies the purpose?

Explaining why the book is so important to you


Which word means the state of being dark? 

A. darkening

B. darker

C. darkness

D. darkly



What are signal words/phrases that help readers indicate if a text is compare and contrast? (3) 

alike, also, as opposed to, but, both, comparatively, therefore, similarly, share 


This text structure is often used in informational texts when the author describes an event and explains the reasons behind it.

Cause and Effect


Other than the text you can find evidence in: 

A. Images

B. Charts/Graphs 

C. Captions 

D. Author's Purpose

B. Charts/Graphs


Identify the following two supporting details in the following paragraph. 

Sharks are amazing creatures that have been around for millions of years. They live in oceans all over the world and come in many different sizes, from the small dwarf lantern shark to the huge whale shark. Sharks have sharp teeth and powerful jaws, which help them catch food like fish and seals. Even though some people are scared of sharks, most species are not dangerous to humans. Sharks are important for keeping the ocean’s ecosystem balanced by controlling fish populations. Unfortunately, many sharks are now endangered because of overfishing and habitat destruction.

1. Sharks have sharp teeth and powerful jaws, which help them catch food like fish and seals.

2. Sharks are important for keeping the ocean’s ecosystem balanced by controlling fish populations. 

3. They live in oceans all over the world and come in many different sizes, from the small dwarf lantern shark to the huge whale shark.


the author's purpose can also tell the reader: 

A. Vocabulary words 

B. Main Idea 

C. Writers intent 

D. Perspective/Attitude 

E. The Central Idea



Which word best describes something unexpected that makes you a little afraid? 

A. surprise

B. startle

C. amaze

D. astonish

B. Startle