Evidence Experts
Theme Trackers
Character Clash
Word Wizards
P.O.V. Pioneers

Analyze the textual evidence below:

"She tapped her foot rapidly, her fingers drumming on the table, eyes flicking to the clock every few seconds."

How does the character feel and how do you know?

The character is nervous because she’s tapping her foot and checking the clock frequently.


What is the theme in this passage?

“No matter how many times she fell, she stood up again, determined to keep going.”

The theme is perseverance.


How does the setting impact the character’s mood? 

“The dark, stormy night made her feel anxious as she walked home alone.”

The stormy weather creates a sense of fear and anxiety in the character.


What does the word “anxious” mean in this sentence?

“He felt anxious as the test results were being handed out, his palms sweating.”

Anxious means feeling nervous or worried


What P.O.V. is the excerpt in, and how does their perspective influence the story?

“I didn’t know how I was going to get out of this mess, but I had to try.”

The excerpt is in first-person character, which gives the reader insight into their thoughts and feelings directly.


Analyze the evidence below:

"The streets were empty, businesses were shut down, and the news anchors spoke in urgent tones about the spreading disease."

What situation is the city facing?

The city is facing a crisis as shown by the deserted streets and the worried news reports.


Analyze the evidence below: 

“Though her muscles ached and her vision blurred, she forced herself to continue, knowing she was almost at the finish line.”

How does the character’s struggle develop the theme of perseverance?

The character's physical and mental struggle reinforces the theme of perseverance as she refuses to give up.


How does the conflict between these characters move the plot forward?

“As their argument escalated, it became clear that they could no longer work together. One of them would have to leave the project.” 

The conflict forces a decision that changes the course of the story, leading to one character leaving.


Identify the figurative language used and explain its meaning.

“The classroom was a zoo, with students running around and shouting.”

The metaphor compares the classroom to a zoo, implying that it was chaotic and noisy.


How do the two characters’ points of view differ in this conversation?

“She thought it was a great idea, but he was hesitant, unsure of whether they could pull it off.”

She is optimistic, while he is more cautious and unsure.


Analyze the evidence below: 

“He clenched his fists, glaring at her across the room. When she tried to speak, he turned his back, refusing to listen.”

What let's you know that the character is angry?

The clenched fists and turning his back show the character’s anger toward his friend.


Provide an objective summary of this excerpt. 

“As the storm approached, the townspeople rushed to prepare. Windows were boarded up, supplies were gathered, and families huddled together, hoping to ride it out.”

The excerpt describes the townspeople preparing for a storm by securing their homes and gathering supplies.


Bonus Question (Double Jeopardy)

How does the character in SZA’s lyric deal with the conflict of heartbreak?

"I might kill my ex, not the best idea / His new girlfriend’s next, how’d I get here?"

After a breakup, the character expresses extreme emotions, anger and jealousy toward her ex and his new partner. This internal conflict shows how heartbreak can lead to irrational thoughts and actions, demonstrating the intensity of her feelings.


Analyze the use of alliteration in this sentence.

“The slippery snake slithered silently through the sand.”

The repetition of the “s” sound mimics the snake’s smooth, silent movement, enhancing the imagery.


Bonus Question (Double Jeopardy)

How does Latto’s point of view come across in this lyric?

"Walkin’ like I got it, ‘cause I do / Can’t nobody tell me what I’m worth, I already knew."

Latto’s point of view reflects strong self-confidence. She emphasizes that she knows her value and doesn’t rely on anyone else’s opinion to validate her success or self-worth, showing a mindset of independence and assurance.


Analyze the evidence below:

“Whenever anyone mentioned the accident, she would shift uncomfortably in her seat and quickly change the subject.”

In the evidence above, what signals that the character has a secret?

The character's discomfort and avoidance when the accident is mentioned suggests she is hiding something.


Analyze the development:

“The thick fog obscured everything in sight, making the character feel even more lost and unsure of the path ahead.” 

How does the setting contribute to the development of the central idea?

The fog symbolizes the character’s internal confusion and uncertainty, supporting the central idea of feeling lost.


How does the setting add to the tension in this excerpt? 

“The walls of the cave seemed to close in on them as they ventured deeper into the darkness.”

The claustrophobic setting heightens the tension, making the characters (and the reader) feel trapped and uneasy.


What is the difference between the connotations of “home” and “house” in this excerpt?

“She finally returned home after years of being away, feeling the warmth and comfort she had missed.”

“Home” connotes warmth and comfort, while “house” would refer to the physical structure.


How would the scene change if told from the other character’s point of view? 

“She stared at him in disbelief, wondering if he would ever tell the truth.”

If the scene were told from his point of view, the reader might know whether or not he’s lying, changing the level of tension.


Analyze the evidence below:

“He often told different versions of the same story, each time leaving out key details or changing what happened.”

What suggests that the narrator is unreliable?

The fact that the narrator tells different versions of the same story suggests he is unreliable.


Bonus Question (Double Jeopardy)

Based on the excerpt below, what is the theme? What in the excerpt emphasizes this theme:

 “Started from the bottom, now we’re here / Started from the bottom, now my whole team’s here.”

The theme is "Overcoming Adversity"; the repetition of "started from the bottom" emphasizes the struggle, while "now we're here" reflects perseverance and triumph. 


Bonus Question (Double Jeopardy)

What emotion is the character express? Why can you infer that they feel this way?

"Why you bother me when you know you don’t want me?"

The character expresses frustration and confusion over mixed signals from a past lover. The lyric shows that she feels betrayed by someone who continues to show attention despite not having genuine intentions, leading to emotional conflict.


How does the repetition of sounds affect the tone of this sentence?

“The drums beat, bang, boom, echoing through the empty halls.”

The repetition of harsh, explosive sounds creates a tone of intensity and urgency.


Bonus Question (Double Jeopardy)

Based on the excerpt below, what point of view does Real Boston Richey have on friendship?

"Ain’t no switchin' sides, I ain’t with that."

Real Boston Richey’s point of view emphasizes loyalty and staying true to his roots. By rejecting the idea of "switching sides," he shows that he values consistency and trust in his relationships, maintaining his credibility in the streets.