Main Idea
Wild Card

This type of end mark punctuation is utilized after a declarative sentence.

What is a period?

This is the narrative element that describes where and when a story takes place.

What is the setting?


This is a prefix that means "self."

What is "auto-?"


This type of idea supports the main idea.

What is a supporting idea?


One of these means something similar, while the other means the opposite.

What are synonyms and antonyms?


This type of end mark punctuation is used at the end of an interrogative sentence.

What is a question mark?


This method helps us to create a well-developed summary of fiction texts.

What is "Somebody Wanted But So Then?"


The following is an example of this type of figurative language:

Her eyes were daggers piercing me until I sheepishly apologized.

What is a metaphor?


This can be found in the body paragraphs of an essa, and it lays out the purpose of the paragraph and the supporting idea that the paragraph will be discussing.

What is a topic sentence?


Topic + main idea + 3 supporting ideas =

What is a thesis statement?


In this title, some of the words are incorrectly capitalized:

The little boy Who Cried wolf

What are "little," "boy," and "wolf?"

On a story map, this is the part of the narrative where the conflict is at its peak and the character must make a decision.

What is the climax?


The following is an example of this type of figurative language:

I love you like a symphony.

What is a simile?


 _____ are the topic of the following:

Elephants are pachyderms that can be found throughout the African and Asian continents. Due to human impacts, elephants are facing extinction! Elephants are often hunted for their ivory, which is what their large tusks are made of. Additionally, elephants are stolen from the wild and treated miserably to perform in circuses and other entertainment. It is important to end the human mistreatment of elephants so that they can live and thrive in the wild once again.

What is "elephants?"


This is what it is called to agree with something or to build up a claim.

What is support?


This is an acronym to remember all the coordinating conjunctions.

What is "FANBOYS?"

In "All Summer in A Day," Margot faces this type of conflict against all of her classmates.

What is individual vs. individual conflict?


This is a root word that means "wheel."

What is "-cycl-?"


____ is the main idea of the following:

Elephants are pachyderms that can be found throughout the African and Asian continents. Due to human impacts, elephants are facing extinction! Elephants are often hunted for their ivory, which is what their large tusks are made of. Additionally, elephants are stolen from the wild and treated miserably to perform in circuses and other entertainment. It is important to end the human mistreatment of elephants so that they can live and thrive in the wild once again.

What is "how humans have impacted elephants?"

This is what it's called to disagree with something or prove a claim is wrong.

What is refute?


This type of word combines words, phrases, and independent clauses.

What is a coordinating conjunction?


In "All Summer in A Day" the characters were not able to see the sun because it rained for 7 years at a time. This represents this type of conflict between the students and the world in which they lived.

What is individual vs. nature?

This is any smaller part of a word that can include prefixes, suffixes, and root words.

What is an affix?


The best summary of the following is ________

Elephants are pachyderms that can be found throughout the African and Asian continents. Due to human impacts, elephants are facing extinction! Elephants are often hunted for their ivory, which is what their large tusks are made of. Additionally, elephants are stolen from the wild and treated miserably to perform in circuses and other entertainment. It is important to end the human mistreatment of elephants so that they can live and thrive in the wild once again.

What is "The negative impacts of humans has endangered the elephant populations throughout the world, so humans should treat elephants better to prevent their extinction."

This is the main character of a story and usually the hero.

What is a protagonist?