Character Analysis
Double Points

What is the subject of this sentence?

The tall oak tree in the backyard swayed gently in the breeze as the leaves rustled softly.

 tall oak tree  


Define Character Analysis.

Character analysis is when you determine a characters personality based off actions, words, and traits.


Define Summary

Summary: is a short explanation of a text.


Define Foreshadowing.

Foreshadowing: When the author uses word to give hints or clues about what might happen in the future.


What is Mr. Nichols cat named?



What is the predicate in this sentence?

The car in the driveway needs a new coat of paint after years of wear and tear.

 needs a new coat of paint after years of wear and tear.


Which of the following words best describes Emily?

Emily was always the first to arrive at school, ready to lend a hand to anyone in need. She often spent her lunch breaks helping classmates with their studies, patiently explaining difficult math problems. On weekends, you could find her at the local animal shelter, playing with the dogs and making sure they had enough food and water. One day, she organized a surprise party for her friend’s birthday, making decorations and baking cupcakes all by herself. However, she also loved to joke around, often pulling harmless pranks that had her friends in stitches.

A) Compassionate
B) Indifferent
C) Unorganized
D) Carefree

A) Compassionate

What does a summary include?

A summary includes:

Main Idea

No Opinions


What is an example of foreshadowing?

A) A character describing their favorite food.
B) A character saying, "I have a bad feeling about this."
C) A character making a new friend.
D) A character going on an adventure.

B) A character saying, "I have a bad feeling about this."


Tell me the subject, Verb, predicate, direct object, and indirect object in this sentence.

The teacher gave her students extra credit for completing the challenging assignment.


What is the verb, and what type is it in each sentence?

The dog chased the ball across the yard. 

The sky is cloudy today.

The soup tasted delicious after adding the spices.

Chased- Action

Is- Linking

Tasted- Linking


Which word best describes Jason?

Jason walked into the classroom with an air of confidence that turned heads. He often volunteered to lead group projects, effortlessly guiding his peers with clear instructions. During presentations, he spoke with such conviction that it was hard not to listen, even if his ideas were sometimes a bit far-fetched. While some classmates groaned about their assignments, he would be the first to suggest creative solutions, pushing everyone to think outside the box. However, when it came to team sports, he was quick to take credit for victories but would often deflect blame when things went wrong.

B) Shy
C) Lazy
D) Full of himself

D) Full of himself


What is the best summary of this paragraph?

The sun was setting, and the sky was painted with shades of pink and orange. Birds were flying back to their nests, and the streets grew quieter as people headed home. In the park, a few kids were still playing, their laughter echoing in the air. Soon, the streetlights flickered on, marking the end of another day.

A) The sun set, the sky changed colors, and people headed home as the day ended.
B) The sun set beautifully, the sky changed to lovely colors, and people slowly headed home as the day ended peacefully.

A) The sun set, the sky changed colors, and people headed home as the day ended.


In a story, a character sees a black cat cross their path and thinks, "I hope this doesn't mean anything." What does this hint at regarding future events?

A) The character will discover a hidden treasure.
B) The character might face some challenges or bad luck.
C) The character is excited about what is coming.
D) The character will forget about the black cat.

B) The character might face some challenges or bad luck.


What evidence from this paragraph proves this character is arrogant.

Jake walked into the classroom with an air of confidence that seemed to light up the room. With his designer clothes and perfectly styled hair, he believed he was the best-looking guy around. He often bragged about his basketball skills, claiming he could easily outscore anyone on the team. As he sat down, he made sure everyone noticed the shiny new sneakers he had just bought, casually mentioning how he was the star of the game last week. Jake was certain that everyone admired him, and he loved every minute of the attention.

*Answers will vary!


What is the direct object in both of the following sentences.

The rancher prodded his cattle along the trail.


What evidence proves that Ella is generous?

Ella entered the art room, her eyes sparkling with excitement as she surveyed the colorful paints and canvases. She eagerly shared her ideas with her classmates, encouraging them to express themselves through their artwork. During the group project, she made sure everyone felt included, asking for their opinions and listening carefully to their suggestions. When a friend struggled with their painting technique, Ella patiently offered tips and even demonstrated how to blend colors effectively. Her warmth and enthusiasm made the art room feel welcoming and creative.

*Answers will vary.


What is the best summary of this paragraph?

The city bustled with activity as the early morning light filtered through the tall buildings. Vendors opened their stalls, and the smell of fresh bread filled the air. Cars honked in the distance, while pedestrians hurried along the sidewalks. Despite the busy atmosphere, there was a sense of calm as the city woke up to another day of business and life.

A) The city was lively in the morning as vendors opened their stalls and people rushed to start their day, but there was a sense of calm.
B) The city was lively in the morning, full of vendors and pedestrians, with a sense of calm despite the noise and busyness of daily life.

B) The city was lively in the morning, full of vendors and pedestrians, with a sense of calm despite the noise and busyness of daily life.


Read the following sentence: "As Jake stepped into the old, creaky house, he felt a strange chill run down his spine." What does this foreshadow about Jake's experience in the house?

A) Jake will find it to be a warm and welcoming place.
B) Jake will encounter something surprising or frightening.
C) Jake will leave the house immediately.
D) Jake will have a fun adventure with friends.

B) Jake will encounter something surprising or frightening.


In a story, a character notices a broken mirror hanging on the wall and thinks to themselves, "It seems like a sign of change." Later in the story, significant events unfold that alter their life dramatically. What does this detail about the mirror likely foreshadow?

A) The character will become a famous artist.
B) The character's life will remain the same as before.
C) The character will experience a major transformation or shift in their life circumstances.
D) The character will find a new hobby related to mirrors.

C) The character will experience a major transformation or shift in their life circumstances.


Tell me the subject, verb, direct object, and indirect object in this sentence.

The coach offered the players a chance to improve their skills at the upcoming tournament.


Which word best describes Marcus, and what evidence from the passage supports this?

Marcus walked into the school cafeteria with a determined look on his face. He scanned the room, searching for his friends, and when he spotted them at a table, he marched over without hesitation. Instead of joining in on their conversation, he interrupted to share his latest idea for a science project, talking rapidly and without pausing for input. Even when his friends tried to discuss their own plans, Marcus continued to dominate the conversation, barely noticing their lack of enthusiasm. As he rambled on about his grand vision, he failed to see the eye rolls and exchanged glances among his friends, who were clearly losing interest.

A) Humble
B) Overbearing
C) Thoughtful
D) Shy

B) Overbearing and Answers will vary.


Which of the following best summarizes the paragraph?

Emma loved spending time in her garden. Every morning, she would water her plants and carefully check for any weeds. Her favorite flowers were the bright sunflowers, which always made her smile when they bloomed. Emma felt that gardening taught her patience and responsibility, as she watched her plants grow over time.

A) Emma spends her mornings watering her garden and checking for weeds while growing sunflowers and learning about patience and responsibility.

B) Emma enjoys various activities, but her garden stands out because she prefers colorful flowers that bloom quickly.

C) Gardening is Emma's favorite pastime, where she finds satisfaction in her work while tending to her plants and dealing with occasional weeds.

D) Emma is passionate about gardening, focusing mostly on sunflowers, and dislikes the time it takes for her plants to grow.

A) Emma spends her mornings watering her garden and checking for weeds while growing sunflowers and learning about patience and responsibility.


In a novel, the author writes about a character who finds an old, rusted key while exploring their attic, and the character thinks, "I wonder what this could unlock." What might this detail foreshadow about the story?

A) The character will uncover a hidden mystery or secret in the house.
B) The key will lead the character to a new adventure with friends.
C) The character will lose the key and never find out.
D) The key will become important later in the plot.

A) The character will uncover a hidden mystery or secret in the house.


In a small town, there lived an old clockmaker named Mr. Thompson. He was known for his extraordinary talent in repairing clocks of all kinds, from grandfather clocks to delicate pocket watches. Every morning, Mr. Thompson would open his shop and greet each customer with a warm smile, always eager to share stories about the unique history of the clocks he worked on. Despite his age, his hands moved skillfully, and he took great pride in restoring every piece to its former glory. However, as the years went by, fewer people visited his shop, and he began to worry that his craft would be forgotten. Determined to preserve the art of clockmaking, Mr. Thompson decided to host a free workshop for the town's children, hoping to inspire them to appreciate the beauty of timepieces and learn the trade.

Which of the following best summarizes the main idea of the paragraph?

A) Mr. Thompson worries about his clock shop closing and starts a workshop for kids to share his skills.
B) The town loved Mr. Thompson's clock shop, and many children visited to learn about clocks.
C) Mr. Thompson is famous for his clock-making talent and enjoys talking to customers every day.
D) As people stopped buying clocks, Mr. Thompson gave up hope and closed his shop forever.

A) Mr. Thompson worries about his clock shop closing and starts a workshop for kids to share his skills.