Colonial Conflicts
Policies & Acts
Native American Allies
Key Figures
Independence Reasons

What natural resources caused conflict between settlers and Native Americans?  

The natural resources that caused conflict were land, deer and fish.


What was the goal of the Navigation Acts?

The goal of the Navigation Acts was to control trade and benefit England.


Which Native American group worked with the British to protect their land during the Revolutionary War?

The Native American group that worked with the British was the Iroquois Confederacy.


Who wrote the Declaration of Independence?

The Declaration of Independence was written by Thomas Jefferson.


What was the colonists' main complaint about British taxes?

The colonists' main complaint about British taxes was that they had no representation in Parliament.


What animals caused problems for Native American food sources?

The animals that caused problems were settlers’ cows and hogs.


Which act put a tax on paper products?

The act that put a tax on paper products was the Stamp Act.


Why did the Oneida tribe help the Americans during the Revolutionary War?

The Oneida tribe helped the Americans to protect their rights and land.


Who led the Continental Army during the Revolutionary War?

The leader of the Continental Army was George Washington.


What does “No taxation without representation” mean?

“No taxation without representation” means that people should not be taxed if they have no voice in government.


What British policy allowed the colonies to have some self-rule?

The British policy that allowed colonies some self-rule was called salutary neglect.


What did the Proclamation of 1763 try to stop?

The Proclamation of 1763 tried to stop settlers from moving onto Native American lands.


What agreement ended the French and Indian War?

What is the Treaty of Paris (1763)?


Who wrote "Common Sense" to encourage independence?

The author of "Common Sense" was Thomas Paine.


How did the French and Indian War upset the colonists?

The French and Indian War upset colonists because it led to new taxes to pay for the war.


What British policy allowed the colonies to have some self-rule?

The British policy that allowed colonies some self-rule was called salutary neglect.


Which act forced colonists to house British soldiers?

The act that forced colonists to house British soldiers was the Quartering Act.


What did the Proclamation of 1763 aim to accomplish?

What is to prevent colonial expansion west of the Appalachian Mountains?


Who famously said, “Give me liberty, or give me death”?

The famous quote "Give me liberty, or give me death" was said by Patrick Henry.


How did the Revolution impact Native Americans?

The Revolution affected Native Americans by leading to more loss of land and broken promises.


What were some of the colonists' biggest complaints about British taxes?

Colonists complained about being taxed without a say in government.


What happened as a result of the Intolerable Acts?

The Intolerable Acts made the colonists even angrier and led to more protests.


 What was the main purpose of the Olive Branch Petition?

What is to ask King George III for peace and a resolution to the conflict before the Revolutionary War escalated? 


Who helped negotiate with France for support?

Benjamin Franklin helped negotiate with France for support during the war.


What are "unalienable rights," and how did they impact the American Revolution?

What are the rights that can't be taken away, like life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, which fired up the colonists to demand independence from Britain? 🔥✊