Rhetorical Devices
Author's Purpose/Claims/ Word meaning

What is diction?

Author’s word choice, and it creates an atmosphere or feeling.


What is mood

the overall atmosphere of a story. We usually describe mood using words related to emotions. The mood can be relaxed, sad, peaceful, lonely, tense, reflective, humorous, and so on.


What is Charged Language

uses strong words that appeal to readers’ emotions to create a powerful impression


What is dialogue?

A character’s spoken words reveal how the character uses language and responds to others.


What is a claim?

A statement an author makes to express their main idea or opinion.


What is the connotative meaning of a word?

The connotative meaning is the positive or negative idea of feeling associated with a word


What is syntax?

the way words are organized into sentences and phrases. Sentences can be short and simple or long and more complex. The type, length, and rhythm of sentences can affect mood.


What is a Rhetorical Question?

This type of question isn’t meant to be answered. This kind of question is used to make people think or feel strongly about something.


What is direct characterization?

The writer tells the reader what the character is like. The reader does not need to interpret what the writer says.


What is Author's Purpose?

Why an author writes a text, like to inform, entertain, or persuade.


What is the denotative meaning of a word?

The denotative meaning is the literal meaning found in the dictionary


What mood does this sentence create? How does it make you feel as a reader?

Sentence: The old house creaked and groaned as the wind howled through the empty halls.

This sentence has words like "creaked," "groaned," and "howled," which suggest a spooky or eerie mood, encouraging students to think about how word choice affects the mood.


What rhetorical device is:

If everyone else jumped off a cliff, would you do it too?

Rhetorical Question


What is an internal monologue?

A character’s inner thoughts are revealed through a mental conversation with himself or herself.


The word congested shares the common prefix con- (also spelled com-)with these words contect, community, communication. Using this information, choose the likely meaning of congested.

  1. Filled by things or people struggling violently 

  2. Filled by things or people crowded together

  3. Filled by things or people arranged logically 

  4. Filled by things or people fleeing danger

2. Filled by things or people crowded together


How is formal diction different from informal diction?

With friends, you’d use informal diction – relaxed words, slang, and contractions. With teachers, you’d use formal diction – polite, complete sentences, and respectful vocabulary.


You use this punctuation mark to join two complete ideas together in one sentence.

a comma (with a word like “and” or “but”)?


What type of Rhetorical Device is:

We will not be silent. We will not be ignored. We will not be forgotten.



What is indirect characterization?

The writer provides clues as to what the character is like through the character’s dialogue, thoughts, and actions.


If an author says, “Homework should be banned,” this is an example of?

Claim Statement


Is this an example of informal or formal diction? How?

Ex. “Hey, what’s up? You wanna hang out later? I’m totally down if you are!”

Informal, it creates a relaxed and conversational tone.


What is a simple sentence?

This kind of sentence has just one main idea.


What type of Rhetorical Device is:

The incomparable camera work and mind-bogglingly gorgeous locations make the film worth seeing again and again on a big screen in your local theater.

Charged Language


Is this sentence an example of direct or indirect characterization? Why?

Sentence: Riley raced to the drama room when she heard the cast list had finally been posted.

Indirect characterization


What is a call to action?

Tie all of your thoughts together. Explain what your reader should do now.