What did the Israelites follow during the day?
A pillar of cloud
Who changed their mind about letting the Israelites go?
How did God send meat to the Israelites?
He sent quail
Where was Moses holding his staff as the Israelites fought the battle?
On a hill
Who went up to the mountain to get the 10 commandments from God?
What did the Israelites follow during the night?
A pillar of fire
How did God destroy the Egyptians?
He put the sea back together
What food did God give his people every morning?
Who lead the Israelite soldiers into battle?
What is the eighth commandment?
Do not steal
Who was in the pillars that the Israelites followed?
At the Red Sea, the pillar guiding the Israelites moved, where did it go?
Behind the Israelites and between them and the Egyptians
How much food were the Israelites supposed to gather?
Enough for one day
What happened when Moses held up his walking stick?
The Israelites would win the battle
What is the ninth commandment?
Do not tell lies
If the pillar stayed still, what did God's people do?
What did the pillar of fire and cloud do to Pharaoh's army to protect the Israelites?
Surrounded Pharoah's army in darkness
What happened to the food if the Israelites gathered more than they were supposed to?
The food would smell bad and be infested with worms
Who attacked the Israelites from the back?
The Amalekites
By what mountain did God's people camp at?
Mount Sinai
What time of day did the Israelites leave Egypt?
During the night
How did God slow down Pharaoh's army as they tried to cross the Red Sea?
God broke the wheels on their chariots
What were the special instructions for gathering the food the day before the Sabbath?
Gather twicee as much manna so everyone could rest on the Sabbath
What two people helped hold up Moses' arms when they got tired?
Arron and Hur
What did the Israelites hear when God came down from the mountain?
A loud trumpet getting louder