What does add mean?
Putting two numbers together to make a new number.
What does subtract mean?
Taking away one number from another number
Ms. Schulte went to the store and bought 25 popsicles. Her second grade class ate 23 of them. How many popsicles are left?
2 popsicles
How many beads are hidden under the shade?
10 beads
What is the name of our principal?
Mrs. Dunton
8 + 10 = ___
10 - 5 = ___
Colt collected 9 bugs. Connor collected 11 bugs. How many bugs did they collect in all?
20 bugs in all
What numbers are even
2, 4, 6, 8, 10
What is the Garrison Mascot
Sully Seal
Complete the equation below to show how many students are sleeping and how many students are awake.
9 + 1 = 10
1 + 9 = 10
20 - 8 = ___
Gaby went to lunch with 12 cookies. She gave away some of her cookies and now she only has 3 left. How many cookies did she give away?
9 cookies
Which of the following racks has more beads? How many more beads does it have?
1. 2.
The second number rack has 3 more beads than the first.
What are the names of ALL of the second grade teachers?
Desjesus, Mayhew, Romps, Johnson
Complete the equation for the double decker bus.How many clear windows and how many muddy windows do you see to make 20 windows total?
12 + 8 = 20
There are 20 total beads on the number rack. Write a subtraction equation that shows how many beads are hidden under the shade.
20 - __ = __
20 - 10 = 10
Gunnar went to the park and found 15 rocks. He gave away 8 rocks to her friends. How many rocks does he have left over?
7 rocks
How many beads do you need to make 20?
9 beads
What are ALL of our specials teachers names?
Bauer, Hill, Boles, Moore,Murphy
Give me 2 examples of a doubles fact.
1 + 1 = 2
2 + 2 = 4
3 + 3 = 6
4 + 4 = 8
How many more beads do you need to make 20? Write a subtraction equation.
20 - __ = __
20 - 13 = 7
Ms. Dalke's class went to the museum and brought 19 sack lunches. During lunch, she realized they didn't have enough so she bought 8 more. How many sack lunches did we have in all?
27 sack lunches
Which of the following number racks have an odd number of beads?
A, C, D
What is the name of our dean?
Mr. Ward