The Great Commission
Apostolic Succession & Sacred Tradition
Persecution & Church Growth
The Church’s Universal Mission
Apostolic Succession & The Pope’s Role

What is the Great Commission?

Jesus' command to evangelize all nations (Matthew 28:19-20).


What is Apostolic Succession?

The passing of authority from the Apostles to today's bishops (Matthew 16:18-19).


How did persecution contribute to the spread of Christianity?

It dispersed believers who evangelized in new regions (Acts 8:1-4).


What does it mean to be a witness 'to the ends of the earth'?

To share the Gospel with all people, regardless of location or culture (Acts 1:8).


Who is considered the first Pope of the Catholic Church?

St. Peter, as appointed by Jesus (Matthew 16:18-19).


Name one modern method of evangelization mentioned in the lessons.

Conversations, social media, or personal witness.


Catholic teaching is founded on two sources Sacred_______and Sacred____________.

Sacred Scripture and Sacred Tradition.


Who was Cornelius and why was his conversion significant?

A Gentile whose conversion signified the inclusion of all nations in the Church (Acts 10).


 What are some missionary strategies highlighted in the lessons?

Personal witness, service, education, and digital evangelization.


 What does Sacred Tradition include?

Teachings of Jesus that were not written down but passed orally through the Apostles.


Why did Jesus shift His mission from the Little Commission to the Great Commission?

To extend the mission to all nations, not just Israel.


What was the primary issue addressed at the Council of Jerusalem?

Whether Gentile converts needed to follow Jewish customs (Acts 15:1-29).


What is a modern form of persecution Christians might face today?

Social exclusion, mockery, or legal challenges to religious expression.


Which scripture verse outlines the Great Commission?

Matthew 28:19-20.


In the Church, bishops have the following responsibilities: To teach, govern the church, and help believers to grow in ______________, continuing the mission of the Apostles.

  • To teach, govern the church, and help believers to grow in holiness, continuing the mission of the Apostles. 


What is the role of baptism in evangelization according to the Great Commission?

  •  It initiates new believers into the faith as part of making disciples of all nations.


What role do the Pope and bishops in communion with him (also known as the Magisterium) play in the Church?

  • It is the Church’s teaching authority, preserving Sacred Tradition and guiding interpretation of Scripture.


Describe a historical example of how persecution led to growth in the Church. How can this inspire us today?

Early Christians spread the Gospel when forced out of Jerusalem. This teaches us to turn challenges into opportunities for evangelization.


Why is the Church’s mission considered universal?

Because salvation through Jesus is meant for all humanity, not just a select group


Why is Apostolic Succession so important?

  • It ensures that teachings remain true to the original Apostolic teachings through an unbroken line of authority.


Give an example of how you could use social media to evangelize without being overly preachy. Why is this approach effective?

  • Focus on sharing positive messages, living out the faith through actions, and leading by example. It is effective because it attracts curiosity without pushing people away.


How does the role of the Magisterium (Pope and bishops) help address modern challenges to Church teachings, such as moral or social issues?

 It ensures:

1. consistent teaching

2. interprets Scripture and Tradition accurately

3.provides guidance on contemporary issues.


The Vatican II Counci was a major modern Church reform that allowed Mass to be said in local languages. It also permitted cultural diversity in worship. How is this similar to Peter's welcoming of Cornelius?

This change opened the Church to all people, echoing Peter’s vision with Cornelius.


Imagine you are explaining the Church’s universal mission to a non-Catholic friend. How would you describe it in a way that emphasizes God's love?

I would share with them that the Church’s mission is to bring the love of Christ and His truth to everyone. Christ wants us to to this so that everyone has a chance to be saved. 


Provide an example of Apostolic Succession in the New Testament.

  • The selection of Matthias to replace Judas among the Apostles (Acts 1:15-26).