Forms of Government
Foundations of American Democracy
European Influences
Colonial America
Historical Documents and Events

This type of government is ruled by religious leaders and laws are based on religion.

What is a theocracy?


This Enlightenment thinker believed people had the right to life, liberty, and property.

Who is John Locke?


This 1215 document was the first to limit (established rule of law) the power of the English king.

What is the Magna Carta?


This was the first permanent English settlement in America, founded in 1607.

What is Jamestown?


This agreement signed by the Pilgrims in 1620 established self-government in the New World.

What is the Mayflower Compact?


In this government, one person of non-royal blood has complete control, often by force.

What is a dictatorship?


The idea that government power should be divided into different branches came from this philosopher.

Who is Montesquieu?


The English Parliament is an example of this law-making body.

What is a legislature?


The economic system where colonies provided raw materials to the mother country.

What is mercantilism?


This colony was originally founded as a place for debtors and prisoners.

What is Georgia?


The United States is this type of democracy where citizens elect representatives.

What is a representative democracy?


This principle states that the government must follow the same laws as its citizens.

What is rule of law?


The idea that the government is restricted by its laws, constitutions, and people in what it can do.

What is limited government?


This group of settlers wanted to "purify" the Church of England and settled in New England.

Who are the Puritans?


The Triangular Trade involved the exchange of goods and enslaved people between these three continents.

What is Africa, Europe, and the Americas?


This form of government is ruled by a small group of wealthy or powerful individuals.

What is an oligarchy?


The belief that people agree to be governed in exchange for protection and order is called this.

What is the social contract?


This event in 1688 led to a constitutional monarchy in England.

What is the Glorious Revolution?


The Virginia House of Burgesses, an example of self-government, was an example of this type of government.

What is representative democracy?


This Enlgihtenment thinker argued that if a government fails its people, they have the right to overthrow it.

Who is Rousseau?


In this system, power is shared between a national and local government.

What is federalism?


This document signed in 1689 limited the power of the English monarchy and gave rights to citizens.

What is the English Bill of Rights?


The Magna Carta established this legal principle that ensures a person cannot be imprisoned without a fair trail.

What is due process?


The Southern Colonies' economy was based on these types of crops, such as tobacco and cotton.

What are cash crops?


This legal tradition, based on court precedents rather than written law, was brought to America by the British.

What is common law?